Bimberamala River and Cattlemans Fire Trail

Sunday 28 May 2017

Photos by Rodney

A crisp sunny wintery morning, and six walkers started from Mogood Trig for the long descent to the Bimberamala River deep in the valley between their starting point and the main Budawang Range. Four experienced walkers and two visitors made a convivial group which maintained a spanking pace down the Penders Hill Fire Trail to the first River crossing.  Then it was boots off for comfort and knee deep across the chilly river followed by a short break in the valley bottom.

Then off to pick up the Cattlemans Fire Trail before a lunch in another picturesque meadow-like area further upstream beside the river with plenty of mud, leeches and tree ferns. Then came the second river crossing followed by the long, steady and sometimes steep climb through the Blackbutt and Stringybark forest back to the summit of Mogood Trig. The wind became fresher and the odd shower signalled the passing of a minor cold front. “An excellent cardio workout” was one comment when the group reached the cars after a 12.5 km walk with a 300 plus metre climb out over 3 kilometres. The comment was well supported by the two visitors who had decided to join the Club as soon as possible, on the basis of the company, the scenery and the exercise.
