Mogo Monkey Rock

Wednesday 4 November 2020

Photos courtesy of Rob

Nine club walkers explored the bushfire ravaged Mogo State Forest. Being a ‘Betty Richards Walk’ it included lots of bike tracks, old forest roads, creek crossings and hills. Since the fires of early 2020 we have had significant rains including a heavy downpour last week. The creeks were flowing and had encouraging vegetation regrowth.

Navigation was tricky as the bike tracks were often well hidden under bark debris from the spotted gums damaged in the fires and new growth of grasses and Eucalypt seedlings. Thankfully this walk was GPS mapped so we were able to successfully find our way.

Monkey Rock (a granite outcrop with an obvious face) is usually a great place for lunch but the lack of shade due to the burnt trees forced us to head downslope and find some unburnt logs for seats. The recent rains combined with the 30 degree temperatures made for very humid hiking conditions and saw some very weary walkers arrive back at the cars after cutting a few kilometres from the planned walk distance. However it was good to see lots of regrowth in the forest and very noisy birdlife activity.
