Third Quarter for 2010. See below for
Walk Reports and Photos
WELCOME TO THE 3RD QUARTER OF 2010. To see walk reports and photos, click on
walk headings below, or simply scroll down the page.
Cousins Gully Road and Link Road, Thursday 23 September 2010
Annual 6 Hour Rogaine, Wednesday 15 September 2010
Carters Creek - the search for Val's pool continues, Sunday 12 September 2010
Pigeon House Mountain and Longfella Pass, Thursday 9 September 2010
Byangee Mountain and Car Camp, Saturday 4 September 2010
Beaches and Clifftops of Guerilla Bay and Rosedale, Wednesday 1 September 2010
Paradise Road and Beyond, Sunday 29 August 2010
Martins Ridge - Coles Creek Overhang, Thursday 26 August 2010
Shallow Crossing National Park, Saturday 21 August 2010
Bartleys Arm and Forest around South Durras, Wednesday 18 August 2010
Benandarah State Forest, Sunday 15 August 2010
Broulee to Moruya North Head, Thursday 12 August 2010
Currowan Creek Meander, Saturday 7 August 2010
Tomakin, Burrewarra Point, Guerilla Bay and Return, Wednesday 4 August 2010
Golden Gully, Sunday 1 August 2010
Durras Dunes and Lake, Thursday 29 July 2010
Narrawallee Bush and Beach, Saturday 24 July 2010
Forest around Mogo Village, Wednesday 21 July 2010
Buckeridge Lookout to the far reaches of Wagonga Inlet, Sunday 18 July 2010
Bolaro Mountain and Hanns Road, Thursday 15 July 2010
Source of the Buckenboura, Saturday 10 July 2010
Creeks South of Hawdons Road, Wednesday 7 July 2010
North Durras - Forest Eucalyptus Walk, Clifftops and Beach, Wednesday 7 July 2010
Cousins Gully Road and Link Road
Thursday 23 September 2010
Geoff, Heather, Betty and Kay
Photo by Donna
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Geoff and Elizabeth
Photo by Donna
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Ann, Betty, Jacqui, Kay, Pat and Margaret
Photo by Donna
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Cool, overcast, no wind. A fine day for bushwalking, and Betty had a plan
to show us a new circuit. However, National Parks had done an astonishing
amount of work, laying logs not just at the beginning and end, but across the
old fire trail for kilometres, so the going was tough. We fought our way
through, expecting it to get better, only to find that the next lovely track
had received the same treatment. Two good tracks spoiled.
Regardless of that, we had a good day walking in some lovely forests, west
of Durras Mountain.
Bob T
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Annual 6 Hour Rogaine
Wednesday 15 September 2010
Len with this years participants
Photo by Bob B
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Photo by Karen C
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Photo by Karen C
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Photo by Karen C
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A memorable day was run by Len and Betty at which 15 bushies were set the
task of finding flagged markers throughout the Murramarang National Park just
south of South Durras.
There was much up and down (sometimes steep) walking involved, with
some faster people than others trying to earn maximum points. Bushbashing was
an order of the day with all the forest vines trying to impede progress and
creeks providing a challenge.
The winning team of Ian, Jan and Wendy travelled a remarkable distance of
27kms during the 6 hour period, but the majority travelled between 12 to 20kms.
An enjoyable day for everyone involved.
Bob B
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Carters Creek - the search for Val's pool continues
Sunday 12 September 2010
Carters Creek
Photo by Pat
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Bob and Betty
Photo by Pat
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Photo by Pat
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No report received
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Pigeon House Mountain and Longfella Pass
Thursday 9 September 2010
Cancelled after National Parks closed area due to extensive wind damage. Walk
done unofficially in late October with 7 walkers.
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Byangee Mountain and Car Camp
Saturday 24 September 2010
Cancelled - leader unwell
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Beaches and Clifftops of Guerilla Bay and Rosedale
Wednesday 1 September 2010
On 1 September, 14 walkers shrugged off the threat of passing showers
(which never happened) and tramped the coast from Guerilla Bay to Rosedale and
back. These two hamlets have some of the best coastal scenery that our area has
to offer, and the easy/medium walk of 9 km took the group over 3 headlands by a
variety of local tracks that largely avoided suburbia and made the most of the
local bushland.
A grand Spring outing.
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Paradise Road and Beyond
Sunday 29 August 2010
Kennedia rubicunda (Dusky coral pea)
Photo by Karen C
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Post walk at the Steampacket Hotel - Bob, Pat, Stan, Sharon, Bob, Mary
Photo by Karen C
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Report not received
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Martins Ridge - Coles Creek Overhang
Thursday 26 August 2010
John, Bob and Jane at overhang
Photo by Helen
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Coles Creek Overhang
Photo by Helen
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Photo by Helen
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Twelve walkers travelled to north of Milton, to Martin's Ridge for a 15km
walk along forest roads on a rather cool and breezy, but sunny day.
Ian conveniently planned most of the uphill walking in the morning, so we
soon warmed up. Wattles and Ironbarks were in flower along with Ironbark orchids.
After a little bush bashing down to the creek we arrived at Coles Creek
Overhang - a dramatic rock ledge decorated with Aboriginal rock art, and close
by, a large grooved rock used in the past for sharpening tools. A beautiful
and special place to visit.
After lunch in a sunny spot, we returned along another forest road to the
starting place. An excellent day out.
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Shallow Crossing National Park
Saturday 21 August 2010
12 walkers, report not received
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Bartleys Arm and Forest around South Durras
Wednesday 18 August 2010
5 walkers, report not received
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Benandarah State Forest
Sunday 15 August 2010
Track through forest
Photo by Donna
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Carol, Lesley, Donna, Kay and Heather
Photo by Donna
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Lunch spot
Photo by Donna
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Stan and Bob
Photo by Donna
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Beautiful weather and a new walk enticed 20 people out on Bob C's walk on
Sunday. The 12km walk was a very pleasant meander along a number of trails
through the Benandarah forest which had benefited from the recent rains and
was now flourishing with many shades of green. Beautiful stands of straight
tall Sydney Blue Gums and Spotted Gums were a big feature of the day along
with plenty of pretty yellow wattle adding to that Spring feeling of the day.
Gazing down and across a couple of gullies we also saw tree ferns on a tiny
creek, and different types of vines also made the forest look lush.
Lunch time saw everyone relaxing on logs eating their lunch and many
complimentary comments were heard about the lovely walk being so close to the Bay.
Another bonus of the day was that the forecast winds and showers didn't eventuate.
In response to thanks at the end of the walk, Bob was pleased to share the
thanks with Ian C who had originally discovered the walk.
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Broulee to Moruya North Head
Thursday 12 August 2010
A couple of whales close to shore
Photo by John F
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Ann with shark
Photo by John F
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Last Thursday 16 walkers had the good fortune to experience a Nature Coast
spectacular walk starting at Broulee. We followed the scenic track heading
south behind the beach through groves of she oaks and banksias. We turned
around before reaching Moruya North Head as we could see a rainstorm coming up
from the south
Fortunately there was little rain and the group was then entertained by a
couple of whales breaching only about 300 metres offshore. We then watched a
fisherman pull in a large salmon and found the body of a Mako shark at the high
tide line.
The grand finale of the beach show occurred at lunch as we sat in the dunes
watching a group of dolphins cavorting in the surf. It was agreed to be a great
walk, thanks very much to leader Bev.
Bob M
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Currowan Creek Meander
Saturday 7 August 2010
Sharon and Joan at creek crossing
Photo by Karen C
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Native rock orchid
Photo by Karen C
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Tranquil pool on creek
Photo by Karen C
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To all Club Members who were unable to come on the walk on Saturday 7th
August, you missed a fantastic day out. Frost was still sparkling in the
paddocks and roadsides as we drove up the Western Distributor for the
commencement of our walk. We headed down an old logging track, past magnificent
tall trees, Eucalyptus saligna, the Sydney Blue Gum dominated though there were
many other species on the way down to the creek. This creek was followed,
crossed and recrossed for at least one kilometre and after 22 crossings,
I stopped counting.
The scenery had us lost for words, water danced and burbled over pebbles
and stones, past moss covered rocks and craggy rocky outcrops into deep
tranquil pools bathed in soft green light and surrounded by ferns and vines.
A variety of native orchids were sighted as well as interestingly shaped forms
of fungi, the whole walk was a photographer's dream. We stopped for morning tea
in a patch of sunlight beside the creek before tackling the steep climb upwards
to the road. The last section of the walk was along a picturesque track through
walk leader Cliff's private property.
Jill and scones and jam and cream
Photo by Karen C
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Cliff gets mobbed by hungry hordes
Photo by Karen C
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Val, Pat and Karl enjoying the sunshine
Photo by Karen C
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Our walk leader had the timing just right for the planned BBQ lunch, table
and chairs were already arranged in the sun, the fire lit, salads made and the
kettle boiled. It was a long leisurely lunch in pleasant surroundings and just
when we thought it couldn’t get better Cliff arrived with a tray of hot scones
fresh out of the oven. Scones were demolished, topped with jam & cream and
washed down with tea or coffee. The sun was warm, the company great, the
reluctance to leave was obvious and no one wanted the day to end.
Thank you Cliff for letting us into your paradise.
Karen C
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Tomakin, Burrewarra Point, Guerilla Bay and Return
Wednesday 4 August 2010
Views to the south
Photo by Karen M
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Pat, Sharon and Mike
Photo by Karen C
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The Bobs with beachcomber sponge
Photo by Karen M
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Lunch in a secluded cove
Photo by Karen M
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Twelve people enjoyed a beautiful coastal walk led by Bob T this week. The
walk began at Barlings Beach and followed a very pretty track uphill and along
the cliff-line eventually reaching Burrewarra Point and Guerilla Bay. Along
the way there were beautiful old Banksia trees in their gnarly beauty and quite
a few native shrubs in flower which were very pretty, which in turn attracted
plenty of small birds such as wrens and little honeyeaters. Waves crashed on
the rocks way below and the views south along the coastline were beautiful.
The recent working bee on the track by the Batemans Bay Bushwalkers in
conjunction with some local landcare volunteers has improved the track so much
and made it much more enjoyable and easier to follow for those who enjoy a
quiet coastal walk. Small children should be carefully supervised by their
parents/carers though.
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Golden Gully
Sunday 1 August 2010
Morning tea
Photo by Donna
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Golden Gully Creek
Photo by Donna
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Martin after some big hills
Photo by Donna
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Heather after hills
Photo by Donna
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Sixteen bushwalkers began August with a good work-out, along and around
Golden Gully near Moruya.
We were unsure how Golden Gully received its name - was there once a
profusion of golden wattle flowers here, or, more likely was it an area blessed
with gold ready to be mined? We saw no sign of gold on the forest tracks or
along the creek bed, which made excellent walking and still contained some
pools of water and even a few tadpoles. A chorus of birdsong also greeted us as
we began, though the birds were well out of sight.
The walk soon became "Donna's mountain walk" as we took to the forest roads
with some steep hills to negotiate - all part of improving fitness of course!
We were rewarded by views of the local hills filtered through the trees with
Larrys Mountain predominating.
With a very competent new leader in Donna, excellent walking weather and a
(mainly) down hill run back to the cars - we made good time on an enjoyable walk.
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Durras Dunes and Lake
Thursday 29 July 2010
16 intrepid followers of Ainslie and Mike departed
from South Durras for the forests of Murramarang National Park. We
followed them whither and thither up and down and even around
wondering why we were wandering. That famous poem came to mind "In the
back of Barcoo where churches are few and folks that are lost on
tracks that are rarely crossed, one Michael..... " However the
beaches and forests were ever in their glory after 50mm of rain the
previous night which left channels of water on the pathways. It was
gumboot country.
Morning tea on Emily Beach was followed by lunch at
Richmond Beach and a much easier homewards walk to a tasty feast
prepared by Mike at his homestead. This alone is worth turning up for
the walk.
Bob B
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Narrawallee Bush and Beach
Saturday 24 July 2010
Spectacular Cymbidium suave orchid
Photo by Donna
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Soldier crabs at inlet
Photo by Donna
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Lunch on the beach
Photo by Donna
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Narrawallee Beach
Photo by Donna
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Thirty members of the Batemans Bay Bushwalkers enjoyed a sunny winter’s day
last Saturday. They set off for the walk in two groups half an hour apart for
a Medium rated walk and one a little shorter as an easier walk.
The walks traversed logged rainforest, meandered beside Narrawallee Creek
and Inlet, across firm sand on an adjoining beach and followed a lovely trail
through burrawangs and banksias.
Along the way the bush was alive with lorikeets. Whiting and soldier crabs
were spotted in the entrance to Narrawallee Creek.
The walk was enriched by a short history of the area which included early
settlement, red cedar getting and silica mining. At the end of the walk the
two groups enjoyed a well deserved afternoon tea stop at Yatta Yattah Nursery Cafe.
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Forest around Mogo Village
Wednesday 21 July 2010
Di, Nancy, Dennis and Stan
Photo by Karen C
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It's been a good year for fungus
Photo by Karen C
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This delightful walk through the forests around Mogo Village was led by
Karen M. The group skirted around Old Mogo Town in a nice little loop dotted
with burrawangs and spotted gums. We then branched off into the forest
eastward in the direction of Mogo Zoo. There are quite a few tracks in this
area which we followed up hill and down dale, enjoying the flora and crossing
a few surprisingly green little rivulets lined with ferns. You could tell
Spring is near as the birds were very busy and chirping away quite happily.
On our return through Mogo we all enjoyed afternoon tea at one of the many
cafes. A pleasant way to spend a day.
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Buckeridge Lookout to the far reaches of Wagonga Inlet
Sunday 18 July 2010
Katherine, Karen and Jill
Photo by Donna
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Fungus and moss garden
Photo by Donna
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Stan, Mary and Bob at Wagonga Inlet
Photo by Carol
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On Sunday 18 July 2010, 18 members of Batemans Bay Bushwalkers Club set off
on a 14 km medium walk from Buckeridge Lookout, a scenic lookout which
overlooks Kianga Forest and Wagonga Inlet. The group followed a track though
the bush which showed evidence of extensive storm damage with fallen trees and
branches along the way. After a while they reached Myrtle Gorge where they
settled down to a spot of morning tea amongst the ferns and boulders along a
creek bed.
From there they continued on and eventually came to the Wagonga Scenic
Drive where they occasionally glimpsed mistletoe with red blooms hanging from
trees beside the road. Calls from bellbirds and lyrebirds were heard along the
way, adding a musical tone to the day. The road ended at a picnic ground beside
the Wagonga Inlet where the group enjoyed a relaxing lunch beside the water.
After lunch they retraced their steps back to where a pick-up car was left
to transport drivers to where they left their cars at the start of the walk.
We all felt that we had a good workout after the walking up numerous hills and
our thanks go to our leader Kay for organising a very enjoyable day.
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Source of the Buckenboura PLUS Bolaro Mountan and Hanns Road
Saturday 10 July AND Thursday 15 July 2010
Len waits for walkers at crossing
Photo by Karen M
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Morning Tea at Corn Trail
Photo by Karen M
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Kay crosses the Buckenboura
Photo by Karen M
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Cool, clear winter weather on the south coast is perfect for serious
bushwalking, and Batemans Bay Bushwalkers enjoyed two challenging walks this
week. On the weekend, Len led a group of 9 off the side of Misty Mountain Road
down a steep incline to the Buckenboura River at the bottom of the valley.
There we found the Corn Trail along the riverside and followed it upstream
until it left the water's edge for the top of Clyde Mountain.
We turned off the track here and continued along the river, rockhopping from
bank to bank through a magic garden of moss and lichen-covered logs and rocks,
multi coloured fungi, ferns, palms. vines and rainforest trees. We walked
upriver until noon, when we stopped for lunch in a rocky green glade, before
retracing our steps.
The only hill of the walk was back up to the cars and was something of a
slog, but it took us through pink and green flowering mountain correa, and past
several lyrebird mounds.
Bob and Karen
Photo by Karen C
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View north from Bolero Mountain
Photo by Helen
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Fording the Buckeboura River
Photo by Helen
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More lyrebirds greeted 10 bushwalkers on Thursday when Ian led an 18
kilometre excursion to Bolaro Mountain. The first mountain section featured
extensive views, granite outcrops and magnificent forests, to the background
sound of some clever lyrebird mimicry. The last section followed the
Buckenboura River Valley through scenic pastoral country festooned with the
bark of giant river peppermints.
Karen & Bob M
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Creeks South of Hawdons Road
Wednesday 7 July 2010
Bob in creek
Photo by Karen M
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Delicate coral fungus
Photo by Bob T
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Photo by Bob T
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Betty has not only developed another new walk, but found it near Moruya.
On 7 July, Betty led 9 other Bushwalkers through parts of Wandera State Forest
near Hawdons Road, first up one pretty creek area, then over a ridge and down
another creek. Though there were pools of clear water, with very little
remaining flow, the terrain and vegetation were delightful.
There were grotesque twisted roots of Spotted Gum protruding from the banks,
fungus of various shapes and colour, moss and ferns, and many bird calls.
The debris from recent scouring floods was impressive in its quantity and
height, and we occasionally had to clamber through or around some tangles of
debris and overburdened growth, but most of the walking was open, with long
beds of flat stones and gravel, broken by reefs of fine strata, which also
formed the pools. This was my kind of bushwalk, with much to see and enjoy.
Bob T
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North Durras - Forest Eucalyptus Walk, Clifftops and Beach
Wednesday 7 July 2010
Marlene and Joan clean Trail signs
Photo by Karen C
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Photo by Karen C
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Morning Tea
Photo by Karen
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A fine crisp winter’s morning – just great for walking. First stop the
Eucalyptus Trail and Picnic Area just off the highway north of Mount Agony
Road. Here on this 1 km ferny trail are eleven magnificent species of fully
mature eucalypts complete with informative signage and not only did we come to
marvel at these giants but Joan, one of our leaders had a hidden agenda.
Armed with bucket, cloths and spray cleaners, she and Marlene removed mould and
mildew from the signs making it so much easier to read all the details. This
seldom visited area is one of the hidden gems of the South Coast.
Part two of our walk took us to North Durras Beach, where we stopped for
morning tea in a sheltered glade, a fallen tree as seating, a chorus of New
Holland Honeyeaters to serenade us and energetic surfers to admire, perfect.
Then up the steps to Point Upright, past beautiful lush Burrawangs, some of
them spilling their scarlet seeds along the ground. Through a grove of
tortured twisted trees, a perfect natural playground for energetic children
and then the cliff edge with wonderful views south and west, plus the added
bonus of the sighting of a whale.
We retraced our steps and decided that there was no better place to have
lunch than at our morning tea stop by the beach. It was a beautiful walk
enjoyed by all – thank you Bob and Joan.
Karen C
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