Fourth and Final Quarter for 2012. See below for
Walk Reports and Photos
WELCOME TO THE LAST BUSHWALKING QUARTER OF 2012, and some great walk reports and photos. Click on walk headings below, or simply scroll down the page.
Broulee to Moruya North Head, Thursday 22 November 2012
Corang Arch, Saturday 17 November 2012
A Great Little Coast Walk, Wednesday 14 November 2012
Tomaga River Catchment, Sunday 11 November 2012
Barlings Drive, Mogo State Forest, Thursday 8 November 2012
Sassafras to Yadboro (Budawangs) Camp, Monday 5 to Thursday 8 November 2012
Murramarang National Park - North Head to Maloneys, Saturday 3 November 2012
Boundary Fire Trail Monga, Wednesday 31 October 2012
Great Divide Explorations Car Camp No 2 - Crow Valley, Saturday & Sunday 27 & 28 October 2012
Deep Creek Dam Area, Sunday 28 October 2012
Dalmeny to Kianga, Tracks and Trails, Thursday 25 October 2012
Big Tree Circuit Behind Richmond Beach, Saturday 20 October 2012
Bush to Kioloa Beach via ANU Research Centre, Wednesday 17 October 2012
Diamond Creek and Falls, Sunday 14 October 2012
Meroo and Willinga Lakes, Thursday 11 October 2012
Wamban Fire Trails - North, Saturday 6 October 2012
Cliffs and Beaches - Tomakin and Guerilla Bay, Wednesday 3 October 2012
Broulee to Moruya North Head
Thursday 22 November 2012 2012
No report received
Corang Arch
Saturday 17 November 2012
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Rodney Photo by Helen Click on thumbnail to enlarge photo |
Leader Ian on the Arch Photo by Pat Click on thumbnail to enlarge photo |
Hitchhiking Lizard Photo by Pat Click on thumbnail to enlarge photo |
The group of nine walkers on Ian C's walk to Corang Arch in the Budawangs enjoyed their day's walk and felt they'd accomplished something by the end of 25 kilometres on Saturday.
The bush was greeen and alive with many native shrubs in flower and it was lovely to see the walkers weaving their way through the head-high flowering tea-tree. Many low-growing natives were colourful (reds, blues, yellow and white), and lots of Banksia and Isopogons made a pretty splash of colour too. We also admired a little beautifully-marked lizard that was different to the ridge-backed one often seen.
Morning tea was had on top of a big rock outcrop and going up and over Corang Peak we had superb views of the Budawangs. The spectacular bluffs, cliffs, the Castle and associated mountains, are unique.
We ate lunch atop Corang Arch and admired the rocky cliff-line opposite us
on the Western side. This weekend it was good to see a school group, as well
as a few other groups also out and enjoying the Budawangs. However some of us
did not like hearing a series of gun shots to the south of us - and we hoped
they were not too close.
A Great Little Coast Walk
Wednesday 14 November 2012 2012
No report received
Tomaga River Catchment
Sunday 11 November 2012
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Jane, Barry, Lynne and Mike Photo by Bob T Click on thumbnail to enlarge photo |
A small group of 7 bushwalkers and our leader Bob enjoyed a lively morning walk of 9 kms in the Tomaga River catchment area. After a short drive we commenced our walk from Mogo Hill descending from the ridge line along various bike trails wending their way through the dry sclerophyll forest down into the lush rainforest of the upper Tomaga River.
Walking along this fledgling stream through tree ferns and palms, we could hardly believe the pristine beauty of this area so close to civilization. Proceeding along this stream we spied various huge tree root formations in the eroded banks that one does not usually see, that were quite amazing
All too soon we reached our exit point returning up another spur to the ridge
and then to our vehicles and home for lunch. Great walk. Thanks Bob.
Barlings Drive, Mogo State Forest
Thursday 8 November 2012
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Bob, Charles and Lynne Photo by Mary M Click on thumbnail to enlarge photo |
Visitors from Blue Mountains, Bob and Mary Photo by Mary M Click on thumbnail to enlarge photo |
Thursday’s walk commenced in the cul de sac at the top of Barlings Road near Tomakin. From here the eleven walkers, including four visitors from a Blue Mountains bushwalking club, took off downhill into the bush. Our leader had warned us to expect water over the tracks following the recent rain, and sure enough there were plenty of large puddles and muddy patches to negotiate. Of course all that water meant plenty of leeches, and it didn’t take them long to find us!
Thanks to a thorough reconnoitre, recording approx 15 waypoints on his GPS, our leader was able to keep us on the right track through what was a very complex network of trails in this area. The visitors from the Blue Mountains were quite impressed with the walk, and I think they were given enough good hills to keep their legs working hard.
With a start point less that 20 mins
from Batemans Bay, this walk proved once again that you don’t have to go far
to find a great walk!
Mary M
Sassafras to Yadboro (Budawangs) Camp
Monday 5 to Thursday 8 November 2012
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Lesley and Heather Photo by Karen C Click on thumbnail to enlarge photo |
Murramarang National Park is one of the gems of the South Coast, and our walk on Saturday 3 November on a mild, slightly cloudy day, was enjoyed by 22 members of Batemans Bay Bushwalkers, with three visitors. This walk, ably led by Bob and Joan, was in the southern section and started at North Head. We walked on the sharp, jagged metamorphic rocks to the rock pool, then along the beach to clamber up on to the cliff top with a spectacular view of the Tollgate Islands, the distant Batemans Bay coastline, and just offshore to the yellow islands of Acheron Ledge.
We passed through the formerly private land with several cottages, now
resumed by the National Parks and used as holiday lettings. We viewed the
“canoe tree” which clearly shows the big scar from the aborigines removing a
section to make a canoe. On our return to North Head we saw the remains of a
midden, so the aborigines must have enjoyed this area as much as we did.
Boundary Fire Trail, Monga
Wednesday 31 October 2012 2012
No report received
Great Divide Explorations Car Camp No 2 - Crow Valley
Saturday & Sunday 27 & 28 October 2012
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Some of the group at morning tea Photo by Rodney Click on thumbnail to enlarge photo |
Saturday's 8km walk led by Karen M followed a circuit in Murramarang National Park between North Head Road and Richmond Beach. 14 walkers rested by a huge spotted gum at our morning tea stop, and then enjoyed the views and the breeze at Richmond Beach for lunch.
The track back to the cars was tricky to negotiate after heavy winds and
rain had obliterated it for a few hundred metres, but fortunately it wasn't
long before we found it again heading up the spur back to the ridge, and where
our cars were parked.
Karen M
Bush to Kioloa Beach via ANU Research Centre
Wednesday 17 October 2012
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A sparkling day at Kioloa Beach Photo by Karen C Click on thumbnail to enlarge photo |
Wednesday's 15km walk was led by Karen C who joined 11 other members for an undulating circuit in the forest between Princes Highway and Kioloa Beach, north of Batemans Bay.
Just down the track we came across a huge digger and piles of burning vegetation where the previously overgrown firetrail was being cleared for the summer. We kept ourselves amused at morning tea by sprinkling salt on any leech brave enough to come near.
This was a new walk put together by Karen C, and to get to the coast she obtained permission from the Australian National University to walk through the grounds of its Kioloa Campus. They have built a huge new multipurpose hall of straw bale construction there - quite an interesting design.
From the ridge above the beach we stopped to watch a couple of whales breaching just
offshore, and then we descended to Kioloa Beach, where we stopped for lunch and to enjoy
the sparkling day, before making our way back through the forest to the cars.
Karen M
Diamond Creek and Falls
Saturday 14 October 2012
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Diamond Falls 3 Taken on exploratory in February by Bob T Click on thumbnail to enlarge photo |
Diamond Falls 4 Taken on exploratory in February by Bob T Click on thumbnail to enlarge photo |
Thirteen bushwalkers embarked on a full day of adventure at Diamond Creek in the Deua National Park in pursuit of four waterfalls in perfect sunny weather after heavy rain.
It began with a challenging 4 WD trip in some very steep terrain on Coondella Road. It was not a "walk" for the faint-hearted, but the rewards of being at the falls and being in beautiful bush were worth all the rock-scrambling, bush-bashing, creek crossings, trips, falls, slips and (of course) leeches!
Beginning downstream at the lovely high waterfall four, we worked our way up the creek to waterfall three in a cleft in the valley. Here, most of us perched on precipitous cliffs for lunch overlooking these falls and watched the antics of the most energetic of the group exploring the pools and rocks below. It was a beautiful spot enhanced with many flowering rock orchids.
However, it became a "waterfall too far" as waterfall two eluded us. Despite
scrambling across and by the creek, or swimming in the creek, or climbing up the
ridge behind the creek, we found no sign of the falls. Having split up, our
priority became to all meet up again and as this took time, pretty waterfall
one was missed by most of us. Len's rope remains anchored there, awaiting our
Meroo and Willinga Lakes
Thursday 11 October 2012 2012
Cancelled due to rain.
Wamban Fire Trails - North
Saturday 6 October 2012 2012
Cancelled due to rain. To be rescheduled in the cooler months of 2013
Cliffs and Beaches - Tomakin and Guerilla Bay
Wednesday 3 October 2012