Thursday 28 July 2016
Photos by Donna
Twenty members and two visitors participated in a club walk led by Betty on Thursday through the western region of the Benandarah State Forest accessed via Shannons Road.
This walk was mainly undulating along the various bike tracks and forestry fire trails of the area, weaving through the dry sclerophyll forest of stringy barks and bloodwoods, interspersed with burrawangs, descending here and there across small creeks with occasional tree ferns.
After morning tea, two of our members with local knowledge of the area led us to a significant disused mine a short distance away, something not on the agenda but a welcome contribution. Continuing on, the walk then became considerably off track. Challenging for some, but not a problem and definitely more interesting in content, considering the ” find ” after lunch where one could only speculate on the logistics of such, given the location.
A bit more of a slog through the bush brought us back to the cars. A very pleasant walk, completed on time. Thank you Betty.