Benandarah Forest

Wednesday 11 September 2019

Photos by Erika

Eleven bushwalkers and two Canberra visitors set out at a brisk pace, just north of Batemans Bay and west of the Princes Highway to walk 12 kilometres of trails in the Benandarah Forest.

The walk entailed several gentle hills and gullies as well as the crossing of 4 bone dry creek beds.  A few spring wildflowers did manage some blossoms but there seemed to be an almost total absence of birds that normally fill the forest tree tops with their noise and spring activities. Perhaps the dry conditions have led them to relocate to wetter regions.

Future walk leaders be warned, Rob has set the bar even higher than usual by bringing along with him chemist quality glucose jelly beans and handing them out to boost the flagging energies of walkers before they embarked on a 2.5 kilometre section of bush bashing.

The group paused for lunch at the bottom of a dense, bushy gully right next to a failed and long abandoned marijuana cultivation endeavour.  Buckets, plastic fertiliser bags, fluid containers and other items just left in the bush.

Refreshed, the walkers climbed up the gully’s side to the road above and hiked another 2 kilometres back to the cars.  It was a good workout that stretched muscles and quickened pulses.
Thank you Rob.
