Bengello Beach and Broulee Forest

Wednesday 23 October 2019

Photos by Karen, Joan and Mary

The weather was perfect, just a light breeze, a calm, sparkling ocean and a low tide that enabled 16 BBBWs the luxury of walking on firm sand. Out on the water, a group of surfboard riders were becalmed, dangling their legs in the sea, whilst further up the beach about 20, mostly jet ski type craft practiced their rescue skills. Walkers were intrigued by the variety of craft weaving their way through the waves, some as large as small tinnies and clearly able to carry several people at a time.

As a fairly novice walk leader, at about 3.5 kilometres along the beach, Denise searched the sand dunes with her eyes, looking for the pink ribbon markers left on the day of the recce. What joy when it was finally spied and a relaxing morning tea was had on the beach, cooled by the breeze, with a view that “you’d pay money for.”

Walkers then took the track through scrub back to the bush trail and proceeded at a leisurely pace through coastal banksia and eucalyptus forest. Some areas had recently been set alight by an arsonist but, fortunately the rural fire brigade had quickly extinguished the blaze.

After a pleasant morning, the group were back in the carpark just prior to lunch.
