Wednesday 9 September 2020

Photos courtesy of Helen and Chris
Twelve walkers braved an early morning shower to arrive at Big Rock Road, Bodalla State Forest with clearing skies. In fact it turned out to be a beautiful day for hiking.
Bodalla State Forest is one of the few state forests that wasn’t decimated by recent bushfires. We commenced our walk alongside Big Rock Road where it wasn’t long before we came upon, funnily enough, a big granite rock. It was obvious that a lot of thought had been put into the naming of the road. But Tall Tree Road, Termite Mound Road or Lots Of Gravel Pushed Into A Pile Road could have been worse names to describe surrounding features I suppose.
We continued on to our morning tea spot near Stony creek. A visit down to the creek revealed a very nice scenic spot. Lying in the water was a log that had been part of an old bridge used by loggers many decades ago.
We made our way to the western end of the circuit where extensive logging has been carried out. Whilst logging has afforded views of the mountain range to the west, it certainly has thinned out the forest in that area. We then found a nice lunch spot and soon after had the opportunity to observe some Glossy Black Cockatoos who had the opportunity to observe twelve bushwalkers.
We continued on and passed Reservoir Link Road which, yes you guessed it, was a road that linked up to a water reservoir. However, it wasn’t long before we were back at the cars having enjoyed a great day out in the bush.