Wednesday 1st November 2023

Photos courtesy of Helen, Martin, and Lenore. Walk Report courtesy of Lenore.
Off we strode on a perfect weather walking day with walk leader Rodney and 14 members in search of Billy’s Hut. This walk is noted as the first official walk held by the Bateman’s Bay Bushwalkers in June 1985.
William McCarthy, an early immigrant from County Cork, Ireland built the hut in 1880 with ant hill mud and rocks. This bachelor (Black Flat Billy) is said to have occupied the hut with his dogs, pigs and python.
After following fire trail and forest track (a little overgrown) down to a creek system we reached the hut in time for morning tea. Here we reflected on the charm and challenge of living in a remote location on a beautiful natural creek system.
The group took a side trip from the hut in search of the goldmine diggings. Post fire regrowth screened our certainty of “possible digging sites” whilst various members deviated from the trail in all directions in search of gold?!
An enjoyable return walk on open fire trail led us back to our cars, followed by a pleasant lunch alongside the Clyde River in Nelligen.
Thanks to Rodney and all participants.