Bingi to Meringo Beach

Saturday 8 October 2022

Photos by Karen

3 days of steady rain and a week of frenzied media weather reporting almost scuppered this walk from Bingi to Meringo Beach on the Dreaming Track.  However, the walk leader was determined not to cancel yet another walk and put out the word that this Easy/Medium 8 km walk would go ahead.

Only one other walker joined her – a visitor embarking on her first walk with the Club.  Bravo Jennifer!  It didn’t rain, the track was a bit soggy and muddy in places, and we had to carefully time our crossings of the creeks, but it turned out to be a pleasant morning’s outing.

Of note, Kellys Lake is open to the sea – the first time in at least 20 years.  The aptly named Stinky Creek at Meringo Beach is also flowing swiftly into the ocean.  And of course, what would a walk on the Dreaming Track be without at least one snake sighting.
