Thursday 17 September 2020

Photos courtesy of Chris and Rob
Thirteen walkers set out on a hike from Bingi Headland to Coila Lake and the neck at Tuross. The day started out overcast but with no wind we saw our first whale offshore heading south within 5 minutes. The walk follows the Dreaming Track to Tuross along a well-marked path maintained by the National Park Service.
The first group photo was at a large forest red gum (E. Tereticornis) which had partially fallen over but not died to make a great background for the photo. The second group photo was taken at Coila lake looking west to the coastal ranges in the background. Karen M. got quite excited when we found a ‘Wedding Bush’ (Ricinocarpus Pinifolius) beside the track which she explained is quite rare in this area.
Returning we deviated into the Bangalay, Southern Mahogany forest (E. Botryoides) near the sewerage plant. Unlike the trees closer to the ocean and the strong winds that stunt their growth these trees are very tall and quite majestic. This forest also has many tall Blackbutt (E. Pilularis) which makes for a very different view and hiking in the banksia forest literally only 30m away.