Thursday 5 August 2021

Photos courtesy of Donna and Karen
Ten Batemans Bay bushwalkers and walk leader, Sharon met at Romney Road just south of Burrill Lake for a walk on forest tracks and roads. In these times it felt good to be out in nature with a group of other walkers, sharing a mild winter’s day.
The bushfires have thinned the tree canopy allowing ground cover plants, benefiting from extra sunlight to flower in profusion. Species commonly seen were Heath Kunzea, Kennedia Rubicunda and several of the smaller wattle varieties. Birds were not so numerous but Lyre Birds were heard, and flocks of Pied Currawongs seen.
After reaching the lake side, the group were led for about 2 kilometres along a narrow, sandy and very soggy strip of bank. The trick for walkers was to navigate over logs and around dead trees, whilst not getting your feet wet or falling in the water. Not all of us managed the former but, fortunately we all managed the latter.
Morning tea and the lunch breaks were enjoyed at the lake side where the beauty of the area is much more apparent than can be guessed at if just driving through on the highway.
Walkers kept up a brisk pace for the majority of the 13.5-kilometre circuit with just one member surging ahead, to flaunt her fitness on a hill in the final 2 kilometres.
What a great walk it was, and roundly enjoyed. Thank you to our walk leader.