Thursday 17 September 2020

Photos courtesy of Mike, Glenn and Gay
Five members met at Bingie Headland for an easy 2.5 km circuit walk along part of the Bingie Dreaming Track which has a rich cultural history for the Yuin people of the south coast. The walkers left the headland heading north along the beach coming across a washed up log covered in goose barnacles. At the mouth of Kellys Lake they joined the Dreaming Track and headed back south enjoying the tranquility of the track and chatting to other like-minded hikers while passing through a grove of Common Silkpods.
The track then opened up to views out to sea, a group of Black Cockatoos in a lonely tree on the headland and Cormorants sunning themselves on the beach. The walkers took in views to the south to Tuross but the weather had started to turn and it was very windy with a chill in the air. The Walkers headed back north towards Bingie Bingie Point only to be rewarded with the sighting of two whales cavorting in the sea. This was a perfect place to find a sheltered spot out of the wind and watch the antics of the whales over a spot of lunch. A wonderful way to finish!