Wednesday 10 August 2022

Photos Peter
With noisy friar birds warbling in the treetops, ten Batemans Bay bushwalkers set out to hike 8kms just south of Durras Drive. The group immediately plunged down a steep track into a section of forest that had been spared by recent fires and its undergrowth was lush.
What goes down must go up, well that’s the case in bushwalking, so soon the hikers were all getting a cardiovascular workout as they ascended the gully’s other side.
Trees species were an interesting mix. Iron bark, spotted gum, stringy bark and black butt gave the forest much visual appeal.
The next decline was bottomed by a small, briskly flowing creek that walkers crossed whilst admiring the many varieties of fern.
The trail sometimes petered out, but our leader’s navigation skills led us to the road above, a comfy log for morning tea and a short rest. Bird song was loud, and one wonders just what they are “talking” about. Perhaps the coming spring, building nests, the pros, and cons of last year’s decisions.
The group’s return hike used some of the same trails, but as the walkers paused to admire a spectacular strand of tree ferns lining the top of the ridge, some commented they had not noticed them at the walk’s beginning. How different a view can be when seen from the opposite direction.
It was a morning well spent in a beautiful part of the south coast, getting exercise, in good company. What more could you want?