22 to 27 October 2023
Photos courtesy of DonnaG, Mary, Martin, Helen, Brian, Christine, Glenn, KarenG, Ed, DonnaF, Gavin, Denise, Gay, Tom, Susan and Max. Walk Reports courtesy of DonnaG and Mary.
The Lake Conjola Camp has been a long anticipated event on our bushwalking program and was fully booked with twenty four participants enjoying various forms of accommodation within Conjola Waterfront Holiday Park. Leaders Donna and Mary reccied the area last year, assisted by Rob, KarenM, Glenn and Peter. The Reccie group stayed a number of nights in the cabins at the same caravan park as the event and checked out quite a few of the suggested walks considered suitable for the camp. Some didn’t work out, but most did! A big thank you to Rob, Karen, Glenn and Peter for your time, expense and effort in helping walk leaders Mary and Donna achieve a workable bushwalking program that offered a medium walk and an easy walk each day, as well as the extra curricular activities centred around happy hour and dinner at the Lake Conjola Bowls Club.

Sunday-Arrival A windy day tested the best efforts of those with caravans and campers in setting up and securing the awnings, followed by a meeting at 5pm to discuss Mondays walks. The camp kitchen acoustics were anything but conducive to normal conversation, but fortunately the weather was kind enough to allow the walkers to subsequently meet outside for happy hour and program meetings.
Walk Day 1 Monday 23 October – Tianjara Narrows and “Egg and Bacon Point” (11.5km) led by DonnaG, with the shorter (10.5km) Tianjara Narrows Walk led by MaryT. (Report by DonnaG and MaryT)

Tianjara is an area just north of the Mt Bushwalker Car Park on the Little Forrest Plateau in the Morton National Park. It is accessed via the Tianjara Firetrail. Both groups commenced the walk with a staggered start, along the Tianjara Firetrail, stopping nearby at the remnants of an old military dirt airstrip which was apparently in use for military exercises many decades ago. We then continued along the firetrail where a short deviation revealed an outstanding easterly viewpoint from the clifftop. Morning tea was taken here by Mary’s group of Bev, Karen, Heather, Denise, and Susan, whilst Donna’s group continued on for morning tea to another amazing view point to the west, overlooking Claydon’s Creek down below.
The walk then continued north where a feature called the ‘Tianjara Narrows’ was reached. This is a point on the plateau where it is so narrow that one can see where the cliff line drops away on both sides without having to move. Both groups continued their respective walks along the trail to a point where a seldom seen view of The Castle from the north was enjoyed. Mary’s group returned to the starting point to complete their walk whilst Donna’s group made a westerly off track detour near the airstrip to the oddly named Egg and Onion Pass for lunch. Once again, stunning views awaited us. During lunch, whilst eating an egg and a sausage, Gay S pondered the reasoning behind the name however she was not able to arrive at an adequate explanation. Alas, following lunch it was time to return to the cars to complete the walk.
Walk Day 2 Tuesday 24 October – Rusden Head and Florence Head (15.5km), led by DonnaG; and Lake Conjola Walk (8km) led by Mary
Rusden Head and Florance Head (Medium Walkers)(Report DonnaG)

We once again returned to the plateau where we made our way to the carpark located at the trail head for the Rusden Head walk (9.5km out and back), on the southern side of the plateau. This flat easy walk out to the end of the track rewarded us with stunning views of Pigeon House Mountain, Byangee Walls and out towards The Castle. It was a great morning tea spot. We then made our way back along the trail and then turned right onto the Florance Head trail (a 6km out and back track). Halfway along the trail we detoured off the track to an amazing rock ledge which afforded us spectacular, expansive easterly views. Like the day prior, a clear sunny day was on order and the ocean and lake views didn’t disappoint. We then headed off to Florance Head for lunch for yet another awesome view of the Budawangs. Before too long, it was time to return to the cars whereby our water babies were able to take advantage of the lovely cool waters back at Conjola on a hot afternoon.
Lake Conjola Walk (Easy walk)(Report MaryT)

The weather forecast was for a hot day, and it was at 35 degrees, so the group, now eight in number, opted for an alternative walk to the activity planned and stayed near the camp ground to walk north along the beach. The lake was closed making an easy passage north to the island. The sand bar was covered by water due to high seas and wind so we could not visit the island itself.
Morning tea beckoned so we made our way south back along the beach to shelter behind a large sand dune near the entrance of the lake and sat on the rocks. A group of visitors emerged from a sandy track and said there was good coffee to be had at a cafe at the end of a short uphill track. Three of our group set out to find it. We enjoyed our own snacks and Heather showed off her rock skimming skills to entertain us while we awaited the return of the others. It seems their tardy return was due to indeed good coffee but we suspect the almond croissants Susan and Max enjoyed and the egg and bacon roll Tony indulged in could also have been a factor! The walk concluded with continuing south along the beach to pick up a sandy track to the boardwalk, a view of the ocean and the long stretch of beach before returning via the local shop for some of us to buy ice creams.
Walk Day 3 Wednesday 25 October – Girawa Cave (6km) led by DonnaG; and Booderee National Park Coastal Walk (6.5km) led by Mary
Girawa Cave (Medium Walkers)(Report DonnaG)

Today was an opportunity to have a break from the plateau, so the medium walkers headed just a bit further north up the highway to arrive at the starting point for the Girawa Cave walk. Girawa Cave, formerly known to our club as Coles Creek Cave, is actually a significant overhang situated along the creek. To make a decent walk distance, Donna decided to start from an appropriate parking area some distance from the feature. The only problem was that the appropriate parking area was not the exact one that the leader had in mind and much to her horror, it was actually further from the starting point, which added a few extra kilometers onto the distance! Luckily the group accepted this in good humour, except perhaps with the exception of the by now labeled P1 and P2 (pest 1 and 2 otherwise known as Gay S and Brian M). These two recalcitrant walkers over the week had been steadily causing much trouble for the walk leader, ganging up together, causing much mischief, mirth and laughter amongst the group.
The group continued on dirt roads until we reached a rudimentary track which led down to the cave. The cave, which is roped off and has signage, still has early paintings and drawings on its walls and an impressive grinding stone nearby. It certainly was a great opportunity to witness evidence of early indigenous activity from long ago.
Booderee National Park Coastal Walk (Easy walk)(Report MaryT)

Our destination was Governor Head in Booderee NP in Jervis Bay. Eight members choose to participate in a new walk for the club. Jervis Bay is a sheltered water for many species with turquoise, clear water and white sandy beaches, perfect for beach lovers and rocks for scuba or snorkelling enthusiasts. Our walk took us from the carpark at Murrays boat ramp area on a circuit through bush tracks and up along the coast line with magnificent views of the bay, ocean, rocks and deep caves. It is an excellent track of about 6.5km with native flowers and trees, such as Blackbutt and Scribbly Gum of interesting shapes and features. The view from Governor Head is across the water to Bowen Island, the home for Little or Fairy Penguins. The wind kept the temperatures to a pleasant level for a lovely day’s walk.
Walk Day 4 Thursday 26 October – Mt Bushwalker and Gaol House Pass Walk (13.5km) led by DonnaG; and Granite Falls and Boyd Lookout Walk (3km) led by Mary
Gaolhouse Pass and Mt Bushwalker (Medium Walk)(Report DonnaG)

The final day was an opportunity to experience a real treat. We returned to the Mt Bushwalker Car Park and set off west along the boardwalk where we eventually left it for the access point to Gaolhouse Pass. Gaolhouse Pass is an access point from the plateau down through to Claydon’s Creek. It requires a steep descent down rock ledges, through hanging vines and past old moss covered tree ferns to a flat area that is thought to once be a hideout for bushrangers or a cattle containment area, depending upon which story you wish to believe. This area is where previous club walks to the pass have ended, however, we continued onward in our descent into another level, this one even more amazing than the last. We entered a large flat rectangular area that was bordered by rock on three sides. Inside the area were old growth trees, caves and moss covered rocks that had fortunately escaped the ravages of fire in recent years.
This was a great morning tea spot and many agreed that it was worth the effort to descend into this prehistoric looking area that felt like time forgot. Even P1 and P2 were in agreement and awe! Following morning tea we headed back up the pass and made our way to the stunning lookout at the end of the Mt Bushwalker track. We had lunch and admired the iconic views before heading back to the cars, completing our final walk of the Camp.
Granite Falls, Boyd Lookout and Rainforest Walk (Easy walk)(Report MaryT)

The group I led for the week were offered an alternative to a return to the Plateau area with the Granite Falls and George Boyd Lookout and Rainforest walk. Having decided that was the choice we set out to drive the short distance to Twelve Mile Peg road and on a good dirt track out to Granite Falls. The short wall to the viewing platform was through good track with lots of native flowers and through Eucalypt forest dominated by Stringy Bark, Red Bloodwood and Serpentine trees. The rock face of the falls is still spectacular but sadly a lack of rain had left them dry. We returned to the cars and drove a further 2 km along the track to George Boyd Lookout. Four of the group decided to walk along the Rainforest track which runs under the escarpment rocks. It was my first time here and what a delightful surprise. High rock faces, spectacular formations with a track which proved a little challenging at times as it was strewn with leaves, roots, fallen small branches and some deep wooden steps worn by much foot traffic. Due to the dry conditions, the moss and ferns were not as brilliant as they would have been in wetter times, but the bonus was having a safer surface to walk on. At the end of a steep climb on metal steps we reached the lookout for extensive views of the coast to the north and south. A good day to round off a club camp.
Thanks to those that assisted in the reccies for the walks presented on the Camp, thanks to those involved in the organising of the Camp and most of all, thanks to those who participated in the Camp, making it the success that it was.