Tuesday 22 March 2016
Photos by Ian B
Tuesday 22 March 2016
Photos by Ian B
Thursday 18 February – Monday 22 March 2017
Photos by Donna, Gerri, Rodney, Helen and Lesley
Led by Jill and John, the 5 week Tasmanian Safari commenced at Launceston, and headed down the east coast to St Helens and the Blue Tiers, starting with a series of shorter walks suitable for all participants. The group then moved further south to Coles Bay where they explored the Freycinet and Douglas-Apsley National Parks, and then on to Triabunna, the jumping off point for Maria Island walks.
Next stop was Port Arthur on the Tasman Peninsula and the wild cliff and coastal walks of Tasman National Park. The next camp at Snug just outside Hobart gave the group an opportunity to explore the delights of Tasmania’s capital and the Huon Valley, and also take the ferry over to Bruny Island for the day.
Then it was on to wilder country in Mount Field National Park, with its marvellous waterfalls and alpine tracks.
Next stop, Cynthia Bay on Lake St Clair which is the end of the famous Overland Track and features many watery walks. From there the group travelled to Strahan on the west coast and the wild Gordon River. No trip to Tasmania would be complete without a visit to Cradle Mountain National Park where the Overland Track starts, and where there is a bushwalk for everyone.
The two final stops were at Stanley near walks in the Rocky Cape National Park and then Mole Creek, the nearest town to the wild and remote Jerusalem Walls National Park, and the waterfalls in the Mole Creek Karst National Park.
This Safari is John and Jill’s third for Batemans Bay Bushwalkers – they have previously led Safaris to New Zealand and Western Australia. They also co-led a Safari to Victoria with Margaret and Hugh about 11 years ago, and we are very grateful for all the worry and work they put into making these expeditions so enjoyable for all the participants.
Sunday 10 April 2016
Walk postponed due to George Bass Drive being closed for the Batemans Bay Triathlon event. Look out for it again later in the year.
Thursday 7 April 2016
Photos by Donna
Ten Bateman Bay Bushwalkers set out from Long Beach on Thursday morning, walking along the coast toward Cullendulla. After the previous day’s mid 30’s temperatures the weather was just about perfect for bushwalking. The scenery, as normal for the Eurobodalla coast, superb, with the sound of the bay water gently breaking against the shore. The view across the bay to the Tollgates, made the walk worthwhile, and added to by the black swans and small mob of kangaroos.
A most enjoyable walk, and back home for lunch for those who didn’t stay to picnic. Thanks Ian for a lovely walk.
Wednesday 30 March 2016
Photos by Mary T
On Wednesday 30th a happy band of BBBWalkers explored a section of Mogo State Forest. Ably led by Rob, we bush bashed (gently) for one and half kilometres, crossed creek beds, climbed interesting rock formations and “rediscovered ” a line of Callistemon rigida (Rigid bottlebrush) rarely found in these parts. Following bike tracks and forestry roads we investigated what remains of many old mines and imagined lives long past. It was lovely to see so many plants in flower. The Banksia spinulosa (Hairpin banksia) were especially stunning.
Reaching the cars, having walked just under 10kms in beautiful surroundings, we all felt renewed and invigorated. So do come and join us.
Sunday 27 March 2016
Postponed due to insufficient number of walkers. Re-scheduled on the next Walks Program
Thursday 24 March 2016
Photos by Karen & Bob M
A group of four eager club members were led by Len for the Thursday club walk that started at Pig Road in the Currowan State Forest area. Pig Road is a good forest road that ascends steadily and then rather steeply in some parts, past large Blue Gums and vistas of the forest and the distant ranges. The road follows the valley formation below until reaching the apex of the valley, an interesting feature well illustrated on this walk.
We left the dusty road and commenced the descent along No 4 Logging Road, (where are No 1, 2, and 3?). This is a disused forestry road; now more a track over grown with young She-Oaks and other juvenile native trees and shrubs. On the side of this track we encountered Banksias with golden flowers standing upright a little like lanterns to lighten the way. Delicate ferns, two varieties new to this writer, grew under the deeply cut out sidewalls.
We met up with the creek and began what was for the group the highlight of the day, a walk along the creek bed that would take us back to our cars. The creek started out being dry but as we progressed along its course we encountered water and with it magnificent walls of rock. Filtered sunlight shone on the numerous huge slabs of rock, home to interesting plants and much to our amazement, big trees that appeared to literally sit on the rocks seemingly with very little soil to retain their roots.
The creek meanders along its course and for the most part we were able to stay in it sometimes having to hop over rocks to keep our boots dry and at others diverting a little higher to avoid the inevitable fallen tree across the water. As the light faded due to an overcast sky, the creek and the surrounding area took on a somewhat sinister air that reminded this writer of childhood fairy tales.
Reluctantly we reached the exit track and our leader announced we had to leave the creek and take a good forest track past a property with mowed paddocks to the Western Distributor Road and Pig Road junction where we had parked our cars.
Thank you Len for so ably leading us on another perfect day made possible by our proximity to such an abundance of local walking areas and the Batemans Bay Bushwalkers Club.
Saturday 19 March 2016
Photos by Kay
9 happy walkers set off from Batemans Bay to visit the plumwood trees in bloom at Monga National Park at the top of the Clyde Mountain. We parked at the Mongarlowe River Picnic Area and began the first part of the walk to Penance Grove.
The path wound its way through beautiful tree ferns, delicate ferns, eucalyptus and plumwoods (also known as pinkwoods), and the petals decorated the undergrowth like confetti. The path was overgrown and had many fallen trees and branches and seen through the dappled sunlight, added to the magical effect of being in the bush.
Penance Grove is where many magnificent tree ferns had in earlier times been stolen, but there are many still remaining and there are good examples of how the plumwood seeds drop onto tree fern trunks and feed off them and climb over them until they are totally consumed. This is a very ancient landscape.
We continued along a dirt track, stopping to look at trees, shrubs and the occasional echidna until we completed the circular walk at Mongarlowe River. The platypus did not conform and so we continued to the barbecue area for an alfresco dinner before saying thank you and goodbye to our great leaders, Ainslie and Mike.
Wednesday 16 March 2016
Photos by Bob and Karen M
Brian and Chris led a select group of Batemans Bay Bushwalkers on their local walk through the wilds of Surf Beach mid week. Walkers ducked and dived up streets, through bush reserves, behind house, over a creek, eventually ending up at Wimbie Beach for morning tea.
Walkers then headed north on Wimbie, Surf and Denhams Beaches, over a cliff, up the road, through more bushland and back to their hospitable Leaders’ home for lunch on their back deck.
Bob M