Thursday 6 October 2016
Photos by Ian and Bob T
When setting out to climb Currockbilly Mountain, we expected to work for it. Our expectations in that regard were greatly exceeded. Approaching from the west, we toiled up increasingly steep inclines, to the top of a small knoll, jokingly named “base camp 1”. Then a small saddle before a steeper climb to “base camp 2”, and a more demanding battle through thick scrub and loose scree to “base camp 3”. At each knoll we looked up at the challenging slopes above us, knowing that we had only begun to taste the “delights” of this mountain, and the assistance given to this old body was deeply appreciated.
Our leader generously allowed frequent rests as we toiled, so we could enjoy the abundant re-growth following the big Wirritin Ridge fire a few years ago, of which this area is part. The western slopes are thick with banksia, wattle, eucalypt and rapier sedge, and grass trees with the thickest flower spikes I’ve ever seen.
Then we made the final ascent of the steepest slopes to the top, near the trig, where the ridge is only a couple of metres wide, and in one pace we stepped from stunted scrub down into lush rainforest. Given time and effort, there would be many places of beauty and wonder to be found on the eastern slopes of this magnificent Budawang Range.
After lunch we stood on the narrow ridge, gazing at the enormous panorama to the east, identifying landmarks from The Castle to the clearly visible Batemans Bay. An about turn then revealed the vast plains of the Shoalhaven, and across to the Great Dividing Range. An experience I savoured and will long remember. Having taken many photos, we then bent to the task of descending, many details of which I will conveniently forget, save to say that we enjoyed reaching the vehicles. Thank you to all my sturdy companions, especially our leader Ian.
Bob T