Saturday 11 March 2023

Photos courtesy of Rob, Philip and Erika
Nine walkers survived the Corn Trail (Lower Half) on a hot and humid day of hiking.
This section of the Monga National Park was severely burnt in the 2019/20 fires and the track was cleared of debris by the Parks Service in July 2022 for the public to again access. The recent rains we have experienced in the last two years have produced a lot of regrowth of wattles, eucalypts and especially weeds that cover the ground on parts of the trail.
While we don’t climb much elevation in walking this track we did find the track itself to be quite steep in sections – 45 degrees sideways !! The group was very happy to cross the Buckenbowra River at the end of the walk.
Looking at the pictures you can see we all delicately tried to stay dry when crossing the river at the start of the walk but at the end we sloshed our way across just happy to finishing a tough hike.