Christmas Party and Summer Camp 2011 at Lake Conjola 
Sunday 4 - Thursday 8 December 2011
Led by Charles and Julie, Dennis and Nancy, with a lot of help from the Social Committee
Words by Karen M : Photos by Noel, Lesley, Ron and Mike
This year Batemans Bay Bushwalkers celebrated our Christmas lunch at the Lake
Conjola Community Hall, a spacious, modern, well appointed venue next to the
Island View Caravan Park where the ensuing Summer Camp was to be held.
Members arrived in various modes of Christmas attire and enjoyed a festive lunch of roast pork,
veges and salad, with Christmas pudding to follow. Congratulations again to
our Social Committee for the wonderul room and table decorations, brainteasers,
quizzes and catering arrangements.
It was especially enjoyable to catch up with folk who for one reason or another,
haven't been able to do much walking during the year. Great to see you all
Sandra and Ian
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Margaret, Jeanette and Helen
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Chief organiser Jean
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Lora, John, Jan and Jeanette
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Jan and Kay
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Jeanette, Lyn and Lyn's new best friend
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Ron and Dennis
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Nancy, Val, Pat and Karl
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Mary, Mike, Bob, Jill and Stan
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Charles and Barry
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Geoff, Elizabeth, Carol and Leigh
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Susan, Alex and Denise
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Around 62 members enjoyed this year's Summer Camp based at Island View Caravan Park
on the shore of Lake Conjola. There was something for everyone - from new
adventurous walks, to kayaking, treasure hunts, dinners, fossils, and a fun farewell concert.
Our sincere thanks to everyone involved in the organisation - a cast of many talented
and capable folk.
Day 1 saw three walking groups head out to tackle the local walks
around Lake Conjola, Conjola Beach, Narawallee Nature Reserve and Narrawallee Inlet.
In the evening Mollymook Geologist Phil Smart arrived at camp with his boxes of
fossils to preview the Gondwana Coast Fossil Walk he and his colleagues would lead
on the rock platforms of Ulladulla Harbour in a couple of days' time.
Nancy's group negotiates the puddles on their first walk
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Ann and Helen
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Margaret, Nancy, Ainslie and Mike
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Day 2 dawned overcast and drizzly, which gave the camp and walk leaders a
few headaches as they decided whether to proceed with the day's outdoor activities.
In the end Nancy braved the elements with a group of paddlers and guided us
into Berringer Lake, and then down to the entrance of Lake Conjola, which was then
closed to the ocean. The rain stopped shortly after we set out, and the paddle turned
out to be a great success.
The walking group which headed into Granite Falls encountered some slippery
access roads, and wisely decided to change their walk to accommodate the wet conditions.
The easy walkers drove into Ulladulla where it poured down, so people
ended up exploring the town, had lunch and then did their walk in the afternoon when
the rain cleared.
Back at camp, Charles' Treasure Hunt got everyone out walking the streets of the tiny hamlet of
Lake Conjola, finding clues along the route to the ultimate prize. Darryl at the
local shop was roped into handing out the final clue to teams who came in and bought
icecreams from him.
In the evening we drove the short distance to the Conjola Bowling Club to enjoy
dinner catered by the Club.
Nancy's paddlers
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Barbara in camp
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Rodney, Leigh, Carol, Karen and Bob at the Bowling Club
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Day 3 and 2 groups drove into Ulladulla to explore Warden Head with
its many spectacular lookouts and rock platforms. After meeting for lunch at
Ulladulla Harbour the 2 groups then headed off with the Gondwana Coast Fossil walk
leaders, Phil Smart and 3 of his colleagues, to find some fossils.
We weren't disappointed as you can see from the photos, and the Gondwana guys
were very generous with their time and answered all of our questions on the
fascinating geological history of this area.
Phil and John, aka Australia and New Zealand, pulling apart (geologically speaking)
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Crinoid or sea lily fossil
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Shell fossils
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Day 4 and no rest for Batemans Bay Bushwalkers. Despite the decidedly dodgy
weather, everyone was up for their respective walks.
Dennis and Nancy's group walked to Coles Creek Aboriginal Cave on fire trails through
varied forest and creek gullies. There Dennis broke out his aboriginal artefacts, and
complete with indigenous mood music produced from Nancy's backpack, gave his group
a dissertation on the indigenous people of the area.
Jill and John's group headed to Little Forest Plateau where they visited several
lookouts over the spectacular Budawang landscape before slogging their way back to
the cars through some very heavy rain.
Ainslie and Mike's group also walked on Little Forest Plateau on a new, semi-exploratory
walk, first to Mt Budawang Lookout, and then to Beehive Pass where they descended through some tricky
terrain to a series of wonderful rock overhangs festooned with stalactites underneath the plateau.
They also encountered rain on the way back, sloshing along the submerged track
past late Spring wildflowers.
Dennis' group in Coles Creek Aboriginal Cave
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Mary and Betty at Beehive Pass
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Karen in rock overhang under Little Forest Plateau
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Although the last evening of camp, the fun was not yet over, with a barbecue
dinner supplied by local Milton purveyors, cooked by volunteers, and ferried
to the Community Hall, where more surprises awaited. A cast of world renown
entertainers assembled by our very own showbiz entrepreneur Lyn, wowed the crowd
with their stunning costumes and fabulous music.
Liberace and his Mum, Winifred Atwell and her sister Connie, the Andrews Sisters,
Whoopie Goldberg the singing sister, Frank Sinatra, and Elvis all graced our modest
stage to perform some of their famous hits.
Jan sings up a storm as Whoopie the Singing Sister
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The Andrews Sisters, Helen Jill, Ainslie & Claudia
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The whole ensemble welcomes Elvis (Bob) to the stage
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Thank you again to Charles, Julie, Dennis and Nancy for finding the wonderful
Lake Conjola venue, and organising a succession of memorable activities over the 5 days
of camp. Well done also to the Social Committee, walk leaders, concertmeister Lyn, performers, and
everyone else who contributed to the outstanding success of the 2011 Summer Camp.
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