Congo Circuit B

Wednesday 14 August 2019

Photos by Jane & Denise

With the sun’s warmth gradually strengthening and no breeze, it was the perfect day for a walk by the ocean.  Bob led 11 walkers and a Batemans Bay visitor through Congo village to the start of the Dreaming Track.  Soon walkers were admiring the banksia spikes and watching honey eaters dart between shrubs.  Two different species of flowering gums were also able to be inspected as the blossoms hung low over the track.

Several walkers, yet to see a whale this season, were determined to do so and scurried to every vantage point along the route in the hope of a sighting.  They had to wait until our morning tea stop where a few lucky bushwalkers saw a humpback in the distance.  Most walkers had to be content with seeing a whistling kite wheeling overhead.

After the break, our group turned off the Dreaming Track onto an disused and somewhat overgrown road that took walkers through forest and on toward abandoned pasture land. The remains of a log cabin homestead, a nearby dam, much appreciated by wildlife, and an overgrown stockyard were testament to the area’s former use.

The native trees in this vicinity had rough bark trunks that  were a contrast from the familiar spotted gums seen so frequently on walks.  The 10 kilometre circuit behind them, walkers headed for their cars and inspected the carton of empty beer cans that Simeon had carried out after finding them dumped in a mostly pristine bushland.

Thank you Bob for a really enjoyable walk.
