Saturday 23 September 2023

Photos courtesy of Tom, Karen G, Donna G, Karen M and Max. Walk Report courtesy of Walk Leaders Edward and Karen G.
This was a new walk for the club …recently mapped by Rob Lees. Sixteen walkers walked a total of 10 kilometres out and back along a track recently cleaned up by National Parks.
This walk begins and ends with a crossing of the Mongarlowe River and walkers employed a variety of crossing techniques without anyone falling in the water.
There has been considerable regrowth in this area following the 2020 fire and, while there were some dead trees, we walked through some strikingly attractive stands of tree ferns and grasstrees and some lovely green gullies filled with ferns.
As we contoured around Murrengenburg mountain we had some great views of the area to the west and north of the Kings Highway. The best views of the day, however, were at the midpoint of the walk. At that point we had a superb view over the Buckenbowra valley which we enjoyed while we took lunch.