Saturday 24 August 2024

Photos courtesy of DonnaF, and Joan. Walk report courtesy of Walk Leader Joan.
On a very warm late winter morning this walk began from the top of Blairs Road, Long Beach, Cullendulla Nature Reserve car park. Eight members and two visitors were welcomed and began the walk along the Square Head track through enormous Spotted Gums and Budawangs to a point which gave magnificent views to the north of Long Beach and beyond. Then returning to the cars the walkers went through a metal gate and down the wide track to the foreshore where morning tea was enjoyed with views across the Bay to the marina.
The next part of the walk continued to follow a track beside Cullendulla Creek where Casuarina trees grow and on the trunks of which can be seen the creamy white epiphyte orchids of Dendrobium Teretifolia (various names of Rats Tail Orchid, Pencil Orchid, Bridal Veil Orchid) which flower in August often near mangrove trees. The orchid aerial roots on tree trunks absorb moisture from the atmosphere and get water from the trickle down effect.
There were a great many photos taken and orchids were much admired and enjoyed on this walk.