Thursday 19 March 2023

Photo courtesy of Carol
With the forecast for a rather warm day it was a delight for leader Joan to welcome those who came to enjoy this remarkable local easy walk.
There were eight members eager to begin but before walking there was a piece of history for all to read in the foreshore circle at the meeting place car park north of the bridge.
There is a sign in the circle of rocks hewn from the once large Hanging Rock which in the past was a meeting place for local Aborigines.
The walk then led the group along Surfside Beach to the beginning of the Cullendulla Creek boardwalk which leads through mangrove forests and the fascination of watching very small Red Claw Crabs scrambling over the shallow low tide sand.
The boardwalk is now in good repair with recent new hand railing for the total length of 1km. When back on to the beach there were sightings of Black Swans and several black and white Pied Oyster Catcher birds.
With a perfect sea breeze for the pleasure of morning tea, all walkers then arrived back to their cars after a most enjoyable morning.