Don Moir and Beyond

8 April 2017

Photos by Donna F, Erika and Mary T

The Saturday walk this week was a revised version of Don Moir Hill. Due to wet conditions the previous week, the start was from the north end of Kioloa Beach .

19 walkers set out with leader Mary T through the ANU Research Station facility to meet up with the track to Don Moir Hill. The main feature, other than views across the forest and rocks to the sea is an old Telegraphic Post from WWII. The stonewalls remain with a couple of posts. Morning tea was enjoyed from the elevated spot before the descent to continue our walk through pretty winding bike paths to the back of the village and onto the beach. Lunch was on the rocky outcrops or the sand. Fortunately the sun was slightly covered by high clouds and a light breeze blew to maintain a pleasant temperature.

The final stretch of our walk was via a ‘hop and jump’ across the water inlet and along the beach to the cars.

Thank you once again to the ANU for permitting our passage through their property. A walk to definitely keep on our calendar for the future.

Mary T