Wednesday 19 October 2022

Photos courtesy of Karen and Peter
Bushwalkers took advantage of a rare fine day to venture into Mogo State Forest in search of rock orchids. This walk had been programmed for last month to coincide with peak rock orchid flowering time, however bad weather intervened and it had to be cancelled. One month later, the orchids were still flowering, but were past their prime.
The tracks in Mogo State Forest have always been rough, but constant water erosion has washed off the overlay of gravel leaving a bed of small boulders to walk on. There were a few puddles, some mud and the 3 Dooga Creek crossings were more challenging than usual, but we managed it without getting our feet wet.
This 11 km circuit walk passes granite boulder fields with an understorey carpet of yellow bush pea flowers in full bloom. There were quite a few other native species in bloom including some ground orchids.