Durras Forest and Wetlands

Sunday 9 June 2024

Photos courtesy of Helen and MaryT.       Walk report courtesy of KarenM.

The Durras Forest and Wetlands walk certainly lived up to its name. And after nearly 200ml of rain over 48 hours, it was more wetlands than forest. Our leader Rodney had to action Plan B, as Plan A was somewhat under water. Fortunately he’s a Durras local and was able to switch to other less soggy tracks.

We enjoyed coastal views from the clifftops before heading inland from Dark Beach. The Durras forest is always lovely, but probably more so after rain. There are a surprising number of wetlands in and around Durras Village – all full to overflowing. We stopped by the lake for lunch and finished the walk along South Durras beach, detouring around the swiftly flowing creek to get back to the cars. Many thanks to Rodney for making this walk happen. He also had a Plan C, but we didn’t need it in the end.