Thursday 17 August 2023
Donna, Deb, Karen G, Karl, Pat, Bob, Max, Karen M and Susan.
Bob, Ed and Karen
Little Dromedary in the distance
View from the lookout up at the water tank
At the pub afterwards
Photos courtesy of Peter – Walk report courtesy Walk Leader Peter.
“…and now for something completely different”
A walk on a public footpath, between rural pastures with views over green rolling hills to the sea in the distance; and ending at a quaint country pub, to enjoy a pub lunch, and for some, a pint of locally brewed ale. No, I am not describing a walk in County Kent or Cornwall in the United Kingdom, but this Thursday’s walk for the Batemans Bay Bushwalkers. It was on the Bellbrook Farm Loop Track that starts and finishes just behind the National Trust town of Central Tilba.
The loop itself is only a little over 2kms but offers spectacular views as you skirt around the foothills of Gulaga. There are granite outcrops and rolling hills a plenty, for which this part of the South Coast is famous – all while following a well-maintained mown track.
No, not quite your traditional bush walk, but certainly one that the 12 bushwalkers that came along, enjoyed. It was an opportunity to get a little bit of a workout and enjoy a social get-together afterwards; and for some to have some retail therapy and an ice cream!
And it was a good little workout, because although the loop is short it offered some long hills to climb and a set of 150 well-built wooden steps that had to be descended at the beginning and ascended at the end. Thereby making that pint of ale or glass of wine at the Dromedary Hotel completely well-deserved.
As I said, something a bit different. Obviously not the type of ‘bush walk’ the club will be offering every week; but if the feedback from the walkers is anything to go by, we may see other walks along the same theme, at least once on our quarter’s walks’ programs.
Thanks to those that came along and participated. A good walk, good food and good company.