Budawangs – Sassafras to Yadboro – Pack Walk 25-28 October 2021

Despite Covid restrictions, lockdowns and forecast wet weather, the club managed to do a multi-day pack walk in October. The walk billed as medium difficulty, mainly on tracks and through the Budawangs attracted a lot of interest from members- all anxious to enjoy the experience. Eight lucky members managed to get out there and were (as usual) ably led by Ian. And from all accounts they had a great time, with good weather to boot.

Ian has put together a comprehensive report on the walk below, accompanied by photos courtesy of Rob, Gay, Tom, Donna, Wendy, Rachael and Ian – well worth a read – enjoy.



Sassafras to Yadboro  25-28 October 2021

The Sassafras to Yadboro route through the middle of the Budawangs Wilderness is 35 kilometres and is usually walked in three days. The quality of the “trail” can be regarded in three parts – from Sassafras, a 13 km slog along the Endrick River Firetrail to The Vines; 12 km of “footpad”, mostly followable to the Wog Wog track; and finally, having joined the more popular Wog Wog track, 10km of easily followed “footpad” to the Long Gully campground on the Yadboro River.

Since it is nine years since the BBBW walked through this area it was no surprise that interest in a four-day walk was high but getting 12 nominations was a big surprise. It is very pleasing that six of our eight walkers had not previously been on this route and three had not at all before tasted the Budawangs. Unfortunately, the limit of walkers was eight, so five Club members missed out altogether. The walkers on this occasion were Tom & Gay, Wendy, Rachael, Geoff, Rob, Donna and Ian.

After the boring firetrail slog, the first night’s camp was early, at Camp Rock. This allowed for an afternoon exploration to the south where we gained views into Camping Rock Ravine and Kilpatrick Creeks, and across to Island and Quilty’s Mountains. We had light showers of rain that night.

Next morning, after a brief inspection of Red Johnny’s Cave and a pause in the rainforest of The Vines, we headed south on the old overgrown logging road. On the basalt soils in this area, the regrowth since the 2019 fires is “wheatfield” and with the recent good season, it is now over head high. More importantly, the Lawyer (Smilax australis) and Coral (Kennedia coccinea) Vines have started to intertwine the wattle and eucalypt whipstick stems and, because this route is not often used, the track is becoming indistinct. The bush was still wet from the previous night’s rain so pushing through the mess was not pleasant.

Nevertheless, we were temporarily relieved of the burden with a side trip up and on to Quilty’s Mountain. The main attraction here is the grand view to the east and south, taking in the Galbraith plateau, Island Mtn again, Mounts Elliot, Sturgiss and Haughton, and Hoddles Castle.

This location also afforded a viewing of the Aboriginal stone arrangement, which overlooks the panorama. We spent some time here, contemplating the structure’s age, its possible significance to past and present local Aboriginal people and, of course, its magnificent setting.

Discussion also centred on what appeared to be European people’s involvement with the site. It was apparent there have been some alterations. In addition to the original layout (itself “enhanced”), since our last visit, there are now many more arrangements adjacent, constructed by persons unknown and, we can only assume, with unknown significance.

Returning to the track and pushing on through the scrub, including through some impressive 4 metre high Incense Plant (Calomeria amaranthoides) thickets, we abandoned any thoughts of a Hidden Valley visit and set up camp at Styles Creek, a very picturesque and comfortable spot. Gay discovered that along the way, she managed to befriend the one and only lonely leech living in the Budawangs!

Next day, after crossing the wonderful Style’s Plain “grasslands”, we encountered more thick fire regrowth up the ridge to the base of Mt Haughton, constantly losing any sign of the original track. It was unwelcome heavy going and a more than normal recovery break was needed at the first overhang.

In contrast, the traverse under the cliff line across to Mt Tarn was enjoyable, the track being still in good order, the overhangs interesting and water was constantly available.

After crossing the saddle and punching up on to the Tarn plateau, lunch in the sun on the cliff tops gave lovely views to the west. The track and occasional boardwalk across the swampy plain survived the fire well and we were soon to the other side and descending the southwestern face of Mt Tarn.

Upon joining the more popular Wog Wog track, the pace picked up and we soon set up camp at the Mt Cole camping caves. Because of the recent rains, the nearby “Presbyterian Ladies College bathroom” under its clifftop overhang was open for business and the tap was on so everyone enjoyed a well deserved shower (not all at once of course).

The final day’s walk was the traditional exit through Monolith Valley encompassing visits to the Seven Gods Pinnacles, the rainforest containing the Green Room, Emerald Room and the Natural Arch, wonderful vegetation free views of the valley from the Eagles Nest, and an exit through Neiblung Pass.

The long descent from the Castle saddle is always hard for old knees and creaky backs (prevalent among us), and this day was no different. The warm temperature and high humidity didn’t help either so by the time we got to the Yadboro River, it was straight in, boots and all, for a cooling swim.


There were no injuries but many of us took a few days for full recovery. Our gratitude goes to our drivers, Miriam, Rudy and Berkeley, for the set down and pick up taxi service. We thank you!


Gang Gang Cockatoos Need Our Help

Our Batemans Bay Bushwalkers emblem is a pair of Gang-gang cockatoos. We are lucky to have them in this area, but they are in trouble, with numbers down by 69% over the last 21 years.

There is a citizen science project supported by the Council here in Eurobodalla, so, if you are regularly seeing Gang-gangs in an area or you have noticed any nesting activity, please send an email to the dedicated Gang-gang project address: ganggangfarsouthcoast@gmail.com


Dooga & Granite Creek Circuit

Wednesday 3 November 2021

Photos courtesy of Karen and Donna F

Nine walkers set off on a lovely day for a brand new walk. This walk is a 10.5 klm circuit in the Mogo State Forest. It starts on Misons Road and follows bike tracks and initially travels alongside the upper reaches of Dooga Creek, on the western side of Pollwombra Mountain. Whilst this area was affected by the 2019/20 bushfires, the damage to surrounding vegetation is not as significant as found in other areas of the Mogo State Forest. There is still a substantial canopy and the regrowth is steady without being completely overwhelming and impenetrable. It is a really beautiful area that has, surprisingly, been rarely visited by our Club.

After following Dooga Creek, we headed east where we then headed up the western face of Pollwombra Mountain and then followed more bike tracks along the contour of the mountain. We walked through a lovely spotted gum forest and made our way along the northern contour of the mountain. The bike tracks in the Pollwombra area provide an excellent opportunity for hikers to navigate around the expansive granite outcrops and the views are amazing. We then headed to a beautiful watercourse which we have christened ‘Granite Creek’ owing to the granite rock surrounding the whole area. It was encouraging to see rock orchids, perched atop huge granite formations, that have survived the fires. Whilst conducting the reccie for this walk we even spotted a yabbie in the pools of this creek.

We then continued along the bike track, past the remnants if an old drug crop, a water tank and chicken wire enclosure, back to Misons Road and to the cars. All in all it was a great day with great weather and great company. Another beautiful day out in the bush.

Donna G

Cullendulla Board Walk

Wednesday 3 November 2021

Photo supplied by Lesley

Six bushwalkers joined me for an easy 5km walk.

Meeting at Surfside, we cut through the bush reserve to the Cullendulla Creek boardwalk which runs through the mangroves.  The weather was perfect for a morning tea break and catch up on the boardwalk platform overlooking the creek.  Returning to Surfside Beach, we followed a different route via the streets back to the start.


Big Bit and Surrounds

Sunday 31 October 2021

Photos courtesy of Amanda

Four walkers explored the Big Bit road area of the Boyne State Forest. Being a local, our walk leader Sharon knows this area well and assembled a really interesting walk along the creeks, bike trails and old logging roads. A highlight was Benandarah Trig Station on Big Bit road which at 232m ASL provides a unique 360 degree view of the region. As our walk was on a Sunday we ran into a number of weekend bike riders. These guys were really friendly and it reminded us that their trails make great hiking routes for our club.

At lunch on one of the creeks we discovered two old tree stumps with notches made by loggers 80-100 years ago. A great hike with a historical feature thrown in to make it a great day. Thanks again to Sharon for leading this walk.


Long Beach to Judges Beach

Sunday 31 October 2021 

Photos courtesy of Karen and Donna

Our 10.5 km walk today started at Long Beach and continued east, skirting Maloneys Beach and entering Murramarang National Park. Walkers followed the narrow winding bush track to emerge at Judges Beach. This was the eastern most point of the walk, and we took a break here on the grass overlooking the beach to enjoy the deserted cove and views.

On the return leg, we passed the old wooden stockyards, crumbling quietly under termite assault, the indigenous canoe tree, Quiriga Beach and Reef Point. We stopped for lunch at a picnic table on the cliffs behind Northcove Drive to savour the views over the water and back to Batemans Bay. From lunch it was a short walk back to Long Beach.


Clifftops & Beaches, MacKenzie Beach to Surf Beach

Thursday 28 October 2021

Photos courtesy of Donna, Brian and Peter

Brian and Christine were our walk leaders for last Thursday’s walks along the coast up to Surf Beach. Brian took on leading the “medium” 10.5 km walk from MacKenzie Beach to Surf Beach and Christine the easier option of the 5km walk from Mosquito Bay to Surf Beach.

Not having walked this stretch of coast before and with some of my local friends (notwithstanding them having lived in the district for 30 + years) asking “can you walk all the way along the coast there?” and me replying “apparently ”, I jumped at the chance to follow Brian on the longer of the two walks.

On the morning, however, we were not the favoured choice. Christine had all the following and Brian just had Donna and me. Needing 4 to do the walk we shanghaied Pat from the other group to join our walk – and I am so glad we did. As an original BBBW member she kept me entertained the whole way with her bush walking travels. I realise just how much a novice I am at this game.

Our group made good pace, joking that we might catch the others but that was not to be as we could not resist stopping at just about every cove, cliff, and beach to take in the views. And, as those of you who have done these walks before will know, the views are everywhere. The weather was perfect for walking; certainly not too cold and really not too hot. A gentle breeze appeared occasionally to keep us cool and light cloud cover kept us out of full sun – mostly.

The seas were their usual deep blue and although despite trying to spot them, we missed the whales seen by the first group. But there was plenty of birdlife and a few late flowering spring wildflowers to enjoy. And, by taking a side glance every now and then, the sight of some magnificent houses built along this coast kept us fascinated. Lunch for both groups was back at Surf Beach – a perfect place for an end of walk swim.

A splendid morning of walking. Thank you, Brian and Christine.



Clifftops and Beaches, Mosquito Bay to Surf Beach

Thursday 28 October 2021

Photos courtesy of Bob and Bronwyn

Christine led our group of eight on a tour of beautiful bays, headlands and beaches. Just what the doctor ordered, as we emerge from months of lockdown.

Not long into our walk, at the top of the headland above Mosquito Bay we were greeted by the sight of two humpback whales, probably a mother and calf, just south of Black Rock.

We got to enjoy the delicate colours of the native bush flowers and the azure waters of Lilli Pilli and Circuit beaches. Our choice of morning tea stop, at the southern end of Circuit Beach, excited a cheeky Sulphur Crested Cockatoo, who perched in a tree on the headland just above us and carried on quite a commentary. As we mounted the headland north of Grandfathers Gully, a majestic Sea Eagle glided in on the warm sea air and perched in the treetops on the opposite headland.

The trail from Mosquito Bay to Surf Beach was easily navigated (with, of course, the occasional tree root and gravelly slope). The exception would be Grandfathers Gully Creek, where erosion of the northern bank has made it rather tricky to climb off the beach onto the headland track.

Thank you for a great walk, Chris.


Ian Holmes – 25 Years of BBBW Membership

One of the great things about Batemans Bay Bushwalkers is how many members continue to support the Club for decades after joining.  Accordingly, we recognise those who have been members for 25 years with the presentation of a special name badge.

Ian Holmes reached the 25 year membership mark in February this year, and we have finally been able to congratulate him.  Usually these presentations are made at our Members Quarterly Meetings, but we thought it more fitting to pin the badge on Ian at our first post-Covid bushwalk to Granite Creek in Mogo State Forest.

That particular walk was top heavy with bushwalking royalty – several other 25+ year members also turned up to shake off the Covid blues and get out onto the bushtracks again.

Ian is one of our regular walk leaders and has offered walks of all grades to our Program.  He devised and explored one of my favourite walks – the Clyde River Chinamans Point walk in Clyde River National Park.  Unfortunately this National Park remains closed due to extensive bushfire damage, although they are currently making repairs, and Ian’s walk will be scheduled again when the Park re-opens.

Ian has also served as Returning Officer, overseeing the change of Committee Members at our Annual General Meetings.  He is one of those valuable members who has made a significant contribution to our Club, and we are most grateful for his ongoing support.

Words by Karen, Photos by Amanda

South Durras Beaches

Saturday 23 October 2021

Photos courtesy of Karen 

One of our bushwalks today was along the coast and through the forests of Murramarang National Park, south of Durras. It was a short morning walk, followed by a picnic lunch in Durras Park adjacent to Cookies Beach.

Walkers picked a path through the myriad of tracks crisscrossing Wasp Head to find Emily Miller Beach, named after a coastal trading ketch wrecked there in the 1800s. On the way we interrupted a sunbathing red belly black snake who obligingly posed for a photo before slithering off into the leaf litter. This section of the National Park is well known for the unusual shapes of its spotted gums. The trees are somewhat stunted and their branches are twisted and warped by the salt air, winds and poor soils.

The trail emerges from the spotted gum forest to the cliff edge overlooking Dark Beach, named for its staining of grey sand. Choosing another trail heading west, we left the coast and headed inland, where we picked up a track leading back to Durras village and the walk start.
