Sunshine Bay Circuit

Sunday 7 March 2021

Photos courtesy of Brian

Today, Brian led 13 walkers on a 10km stroll starting from his front garden to Judith’s place via the scenic route of Denham Beach and cliff top. After admiring Judith’s garden we clambered down the goat track to water level and began crossing the rock platforms towards our destination of Corrigans Beach.

When not negotiating tricky outcrops, we were able to admire wonderful bay views to the backdrop sounds of breaking waves. Sunshine Bay and Caseys Beach were easy, firm-sand walking which allowed us to pick up our pace a little. We took a shortcut along the road to have “coffee and cake” at the markets at Corrigans Beach.

Retracing our steps, we took the cliff top walk from the end of Casey’s Beach through to Pleasurelea Park and then cross country to Hume Rd and back to the cars. Thanks again to Judith for providing the access point, and to Brian for reminding us of a lovely walk right on our doorstep.


Mummaga Lake Paddling

Saturday 6 March 2021

Photos courtesy of Mary


Long Beach to Maloneys Beach plus 3 Islet Point, an Extension

Thursday 4 March 2021

Photos courtesy of Rob, Mary, Glenn and Donna

Seven members and one visitor joined Barry on a beautiful sunny day as we followed the coast line from Long Beach, beach walking and rock scrambling, to Three Islet Point.

On reaching Three Islet Point some members climbed out onto the narrow point for the fabulous south coast / Batemans Bay views.

We enjoyed a leisurely lunch perched on a spot chosen for the view.

The return walk was above the shoreline, up over the headland, past the lovely Murramarang trees and vegetation, on to Maloneys Beach and back to Long Beach.

Thank you Barry


Durras Lake Ramble

Saturday 27 February 2021

Photos courtesy of Carol, Donna and Mary

BBBW Walk Leader:  Rodney /   “Guided History Walking Tour of Durras” by Paul May

Question…….”What do we have in abundance on the south coast”?

Well, most residents, and certainly the thousands of visitors, would probably answer, “beautiful beaches and forests”  and they would be partly right.   However, look a little deeper and you will see that many places, like Bawley Point, Termeil, Depot Beach, Pebbly Beach, South Durras, Broulee and Nelligen have interesting histories to reveal. Histories that tell a story about the early white settlements, and of the industries that grew and thrived along this coast.

Of course, much of this history has been recorded in books for us to read, but nothing beats a guided walking tour, especially when the guide is a fountain of knowledge having lived and played in the area all his life.

So how lucky were 24 members of the Batemans Bay Bushwalking Club to be treated to a morning guided tour of South Durras by local Paul May.  Armed with his personal knowledge and some historic photos, we were quickly drawn into the early history of Durras, where the first recorded Land Grant was gazetted in 1840.

It was the abundance of good timber in the surrounding forests that brought the early settlers to this area.   The first recorded  “hand powered pit saw mill”  was established on the south coast in 1852.    By 1870 a steam driven timber mill was operating in Batemans Bay and soon after a steam driven mill was built at Wasp Head South Durras.

As bushwalkers many of us have come across evidence in the forest around Durras of the early timber industry,  perhaps an old overgrown logging track or the sawn off remains of once huge trees.  Alas, within the village of Durras itself there is little physical evidence remaining of the once thriving timber industry.   However if, like Paul May our guide, you know where to look and how to interpret the remaining artifacts you can quickly start to visualise the once busy timber village.

At one point our walk took us down to the wetland, a “hidden” gem in the middle of the village.   Here, slowly rusting away, were a few remains from the old blacksmith forge, as well as a couple of heavy iron trolley wheels that once hauled timbers along wooden rails to the mill.  As expected this wetland was a valuable source of  freshwater for the villagers, and was vitally important for quenching the thirst of the horse and bullock teams used in timber hauling, and the “thirst” of the many steam boilers!

There are of course many other partly hidden remnants of the timber industry if you know where to look eg a rusting boiler near Mill Beach, along with old metal mooring pins in the nearby rocks and, at the lake boat ramp and on the shore of Punt Arm, there are the remains of timbers from the old unloading and loading ramps.

Quite a few of the early small timber cottages from the 40s and 50s still exist within the village, many tucked away behind heavy foliage.   Once again Paul’s local knowledge provided interesting anecdotal stories about the lives of the earlier occupants.  It even appears that one home, now sitting comfortably in Durras, was saved from submersion during the construction of Lake Burley Griffin, Canberra.

As we walked from the main village area to the lakeside boat ramp we crossed a wooden footbridge over Durras Creek.  This was once the site of a single lane road bridge which provided the only access to the lake itself, as the main road into Durras at the time was Benandarah Road.

Just about everyone on the walk had visited Durras Village at some time over the recent years, and most of us had been on many club bushwalks exploring the surrounding forest.  However, we are deeply grateful to Paul for his very informative walking tour that brought the early history of Durras alive.  Today we were reminded that Durras once had a thriving timber industry, where its milled timbers were shipped off to places like Wollongong, Sydney and Newcastle as the demand for mine props and railway sleepers grew.   There is no doubt that the early timber workers of Durras, and other timber mills along the south coast, made a solid contribution to the development of New South Wales.

Mary M

Tabourie Beaches and Bush

Wednesday 24 February 2021

Eleven members of the Batemans Bay Bushwalking Club, led by Sharon, enjoyed a beautiful walk in the Meroo National Park on Wednesday.

The pretty rocks at the ocean side of Termeil Lake was the chosen spot for morning tea, followed by a view of the wild seas crashing onto the rocks below our look out.

Walking along the pristine beach in sections between the freshly rained-upon bush including a few wild flowers, had us appreciating the region where we live.

It was also lovely to see some school kids out enjoying the surf for their school sports period near Crampton Island.

Following lunch beside Tabourie Lake, complete with some noisy kookaburras above us – maybe they found us or our lunches amusing ?? –  we followed a good trail for a few kilometres back towards our cars – just in time before it rained again !

Thanks Sharon for a really nice day.


Quandolo Island

Sunday 21 February 2021

Photos courtesy of Karen and Mary

A leisurely 5 kilometre summer stroll around picturesque Quandolo Island and Moruya Heads was undertaken by 22 members of Batemans Bay bushwalking club. Selecting a low tide enabled the group to traverse the sand flats, whilst dodging Soldier Crabs and then walk around the margins of the island  as, it is heavily vegetated with Casuarina trees.

Walkers then headed along the beaches and up to the clifftops where they enjoyed the ocean views and cool breeze and explored the historic graves nearby.

By lunch time the temperature had reached the predicted 28 degrees Celsius and with humidity high, everyone was happy to picnic in the shade or return home.


Comerang Mountain

Sunday 21 February 2021

Photos courtesy of Rob and Amanda

Seven hikers set off on an Exploratory walk to visit some interesting geology seen on aerial photography in the creeks downslope from Comerang Mountain. By definition an Exploratory walk has not been reccied but we examine the topographic maps beforehand to evaluate terrain and access roads to propose a walk estimating walk time and route so club members can decide if this walk is for them.

The reality can often be very different. The first thing we discovered was that B-Travers road, a well-used mountain bike road before the 2020 bushfires had not been cleared of fallen trees so our walk increased by 2km just to get to the starting point. I had proposed to use a number of logging roads to get the best access to the creeks but they have not been used in decades which made navigating them difficult due to the forest regrowth and fire damage.

When we finally made it to the creeks everyone was pleased as the geology, waterfalls and ponds were spectacular. In one pool we saw an eel and many small fish.

As walk leader I then realised that we were not going to be able to visit all the outcrops I had hoped to see and so we headed back upslope to Comerang Mountain. We knew this was going to be tough and with the high humidity and temperatures exceeding all of the projections, seven weary hikers were very glad to see the cars.

I will plan another Exploratory walk in the winter that will go straight to the larger outcrops via a different route as I am hoping it will be even more spectacular than what we saw today.


Walk, Swim and Picnic – Start of the 2021 Walking Year

Thursday 18 February 2021

Photos courtesy of Bob, Mary, Ainslie and Tom

The club’s first walking activity for 2021 was held at Longbeach Reserve where two walks were held and attended by 42 members and 1 visitor.



The Easy/Medium Walk Leader, Glenn, welcomed a lively group of 26 walkers which included 3 newcomers on their first club walk and the visitor. The plan for the 8 km return walk was outlined and walkers were asked to observe Covid precautions. The walk started along the grassy verge behind the beach before climbing a long hill up to the attractive Spotted Gum forest covering Square Head.

Morning tea was taken on the beach at the mouth of Cullendulla Creek with expansive views across the broad Clyde River estuary to Batemans Bay.

The Easy walk, led by Mary, took the group of 15 in bright, sunny weather along coastal tracks, beach and the local residential area.

After their respective walks, the two groups met up again back at the Reserve picnic area for lunch.

Joan, Meriel and Grant (still on a high from his 100th birthday celebrations), also joined us at lunchtime.

It was a great opportunity to catch up with each other, renew friendships and plan further club activities.

Bob, Mary and Gay


Congratulations Grant – Celebrating 100 Years Young !

Wednesday 17 February 2021, marks an incredible milestone for one of our members – Grant’s 100th Birthday!


Grant and Meriel are original members of Batemans Bay Bushwalkers Inc, joining the Club at its inception in 1985.

Grant was elected (by ballot) as the second President of BBBW in 1987, and again for a second term (unopposed) in 1988.  During his 2 years as President, Grant presided over the incorporation of the Club with NSW Corporate Affairs, and the acquisition of Public Liability Insurance.

In later years, Grant acted as ex-officio Club Historian, collecting and collating BBBW records, and very generously storing them at his home.

From 1989 to 1994, he led 3 camps at Bungonia Gorge, Nerriga and Mt Seaview, and contributed further to the Program by leading walks and hosting Social Events.

Grant and Meriel were on our first camp to Wilsons Promontory in 1986 and were part of the group who did the overnight walk to the Lighthouse.  33 years later in 2019 they were back with our group at the Prom, enjoying a slightly less challenging itinerary.  Wilsons Prom was Grant’s last walk with the Club, with 2020 rudely interrupted by bushfires and Covid.

Meriel and Grant have been enthusiastic supporters of our activities for 36 years.

Happy 100th Birthday Wishes for Grant from all of the members of the Batemans Bay Bushwalkers Club!

Karen and Gay


Moruya River Paddle – Yarragee to Town Boatramp

Monday 8 February 2021

Photos courtesy of Mary, Karen and Gay

Five Members of the Batemans Bay Bushwalking Club and one Visitor, started the week with a paddle on the Moruya River.

This was my first paddle and I thoroughly enjoyed it.  My kayak is on the smaller side and I was a little concerned that I might hold everyone up but an outgoing tide and no wind made sure I was able to keep up – well mostly!  No-one was in a hurry to go anywhere and we took out time meandering along the river from our launch site at the end of Yarragee Road.  Perfect conditions for a perfect paddle!

Next paddle is on Tuesday 23 February at Durras Lake.  So come along and try out a paddle with us!
