Depot Beach to Pebbly Beach

Thursday 30 May 2019

Photos by Erika & Philip

The morning greeted us with calm and sunny weather, nothing like the previous few windy days.

From the start at Depot Beach carpark our large group walked a short distance up Depot Beach Road before turning onto a rough bush track. After walking about 600m uphill through the bush we emerged onto Parkview Road, a good gravel road which we followed through the forest to the junction with Mount Agony Road.

Turning onto Mount Agony Road we followed it all the way down to Pebbly Beach, where we took the opportunity to stop for morning tea and take in the tranquil scene. As we walked onto the beach after morning tea we were approached by a large group of kangaroos looking for an easy snack. Clearly there are many visitors to the beach who ignore the “do not feed the animals” signs.

Heading south along the beach we soon came to the extensive rock platforms and the pebbly section of beach that gives Pebbly Beach its name. Having coordinated the walk with low tide we were able to enjoy the often hidden beauty of the water sculptured rocks, crevices and clear pools.

Our meander along the beach and rock platforms soon lead us back to Depot Beach, where we finished the walk with lunch at a picnic table overlooking the sea.

Erika & Philip


Monga Rainforests

Saturday 25 May 2019

Photos by Ian, Simon & Karen

Ian led eight Batemans Bay Bushwalkers to a rarely visited and difficult to access part of Monga National Park rainforest. The 8.5 km walk took members through areas of White Ash forest, where long strands of bark shed by these trees meshed together with bracken, fallen branches and thorny vines to make progress very slow.

The effort was rewarded when the forest floor opened out to reveal a lower canopy thick with tree ferns, rocks and logs covered by mosses, ferns and fungi.  All of this, towered over by huge Pinkwood trees and Brown Barrel eucalypts.

The  walkers found that most body parts ached at the end of the day, but the magical memories will linger long after the pain has subsided.



10 Pin Bowling Social Event

Wednesday 22 May 2019

Photos by Donna

Our social event this quarter was an afternoon in Ulladulla.  First up, lunch at the Ex Servos Club, followed by a couple of hours of 10 Pin Bowling at the Dunn Lewis Centre, who also put on coffee and cake after the games.

28 members brushed up their bowling skills, some for the first time ever.  It’s an easy game to learn, helped enormously by the first class facilities and electronic scoring boards at the Ulladulla venue.

Thanks to Elizabeth and the Social Committee for a fun afternoon.



Deua National Park Fire Trails

Sunday 19 May 2019

Photos by Helen & Karen

Eight walkers joined Donna for a circuit on good fire trails in the Deua National Park.  Conditions were ideal for this walk which consisted of some very steep hills.  Donna, being the thoughtful leader  that she is, ensured that the steep hills were at the beginning of the walk and that it was all downhill after lunch, well mostly downhill!  Simeon was the only male, but he performed his duties as custodian of the harem impeccably, not one harem member was lost, injured or attacked by a Yowie the whole time.

Along the walk there were many excellent examples of Sydney Red Gum and some lovely flowering Deua Grevilleas.  At the conclusion of the walk, most participants attended Karen M’s house for a delicious afternoon tea.  Donna was very grateful to Karen for doing this as a little inducement ensured that a nice amount of people turned up for the walk.  Oh, and custodian of the harem enjoyed a lovely drop of Bob M’s home brew. Thanks Mr and Mrs M.



Firehut Road, West Murramarang Forest Circuit

Thursday 16 May 2019

Photos by Donna

This was a very pleasant walk led by Pat through a small section of the western side of Murramarang National Park on May 16, that 13 people participated in.

The walk began and finished back on Fire Hut Road.    Beautiful old, very tall and majestic spotted gums were a highlight of the day and these were interspersed with iron bark trees plus cabbage tree palms along now-dry creek beds.

The variety of bird calls heard along the way also contributed to a very pleasant Autumn walk.



Shoalhaven River Paddling Camp

Sunday 5 – Friday 10 May 2019

Photos by Erika, Philip & Karen

Thirteen paddlers made camp at the North Nowra Ski Park overlooking the Shoalhaven River for 4 days of paddling some of the many Shoalhaven waterways.

Day 1: An 18 km trip from camp upstream on the Shoalhaven River to Calymea Creek near Bamarang Reservoir.  This involved a fairly lengthy car shuffle, but the towering sandstone cliffs lining the river made the effort worthwhile.  Excellent paddling weather.

Day 2:  Drove north through Berry to Wharf Road and the launch spot on Broughton Creek.  Paddled upstream to where the creek forks into 2 arms and explored both.  Returned to launch spot and drove back to Berry for lunch.

Day 3:  Paddled downstream from camp, under the highway bridge to Bomaderry Creek.  Joined the remainder of the group who chose to launch at the boat ramp in Bomaderry Lions Park off Bolong Road.  Paddled Bomaderry Creek upstream.  Very windy conditions.  Returned to Bomaderry Lions Park boat ramp.

Day 4: Paddled downstream from camp to Nowra Creek and explored the main creek and its tributary.  There is also a walk on both sides of the creek called Ben’s Walk.

Then paddled back upstream past camp to explore Cabbage Tree Creek opposite the zoo.  This creek ends in a spectacular rock amphitheatre.  Paddled back to camp and more jaffles around the fire.

Thanks again to Ian for organising the camp paddle program and logistics, and the evening campfires.



Wasp Head to North Head

Saturday 11 May 2019

On a bright Saturday morning ten members and two energetic visitors gathered at the Wasp Head car park for what must be one of the most beautiful walks in the Murramarang National Park. The forecast had predicted heavy seas but the outlook across Emily Miller Beach was placid. The Beach is named after a wrecked ship and the rocky headlands between all the beaches on this walk attest to the dangers for early shipping. The walk passed across seven named beaches but there are other rocky and often dramatic small coves in between. After the climb out of Emily Miller we descended to the ominously named Dark Beach (but only named for the colour of the sand), then up again and down to Myrtle, with its rocky platform to cross and grassy backdrop.

Photos by Christine & Karen

On all the ridge tops the stunted gums evidenced the fierce and chilly southerly winds that cross the ridges. That did not seem to stunt the ancient burrawangs, however, and our off-track sections had us pushing our way through these unfriendly natives with their knife-like leaves. Up again and down to Richmond Beach. By now the wind was rising and the waves were getting up. These south-facing beaches were catching the rising wind  the sea was no longer enticing for a lunchtime dip. A quick drop down to Little Oaky Beach, across two dry creek gullies and then down to Oaky Beach proper for lunch, close to a native bee nest embedded under one of the cliffs.

After a sunny lunch, footpaths became the order of the day, passing Honeysuckle Beach and providing a civilized end to our walk to the North Head camp site. A splendid walk, with lovely clifftop views along the coastline, on a beautiful day.



Moruya’s Other Granite Quarry

Wednesday 8 May 2019

Photos by Donna

Bushwalkers visted Louttit’s Quarry on another perfect winter day for being outdoors.  This granite quarry on the south side of Moruya River produced the lathe turned granite columns for some of the grandest buildings in Sydney, including the GPO, Queen Victoria Buildings, Customs House, St Mary’s Cathedral and for the statues of Captain Cook, Queen Victoria and the Centotaph, among others.

The walk was nearly all off track and we are grateful to Bob for leading this excursion and relating the story of this largely forgotten piece of our local history.


Back to Tomboye Road

Sunday 5 May 2019

Photos by Donna & Denise

16 members and 1 visitor enjoyed a pleasant walk in winter sunshine along good forest tracks through the bush near Tomboye Road, north of Batemans Bay.  After a brisk 7.5 km and a few hills, you can’t go past the East Lynne Road House and their famous sweet pies for afternoon tea.



Gulaga (Mt Dromedary) Side Tracks

Thursday 2 May 2019

Photos by Helen, Karen and Mary

Six brave female souls joined Donna up Gulaga for her second walk as leader. After being assured that nobody would be lost, or rather pleading with everyone not to get lost on the walk, the group was given the good news and the bad news.  The good news being that a nice new shiny toilet had been installed up the mountain.  The bad news was that the walk didn’t go as far as the toilet but that didn’t matter as that meant that we didn’t have to walk further up the mountain!!

We set off for a four km uphill walk in sunny, humid conditions and located the rarely used and unmaintained Battery Track.  In addition to its significant indigenous cultural history, Gulaga has a European history which involves the mining of gold from 1878 to 1920.  Stampers, boilers, aerial tramways and even a cyanide processing plant were housed on the mountain during this period.  At one stage there was also a school in the area as well as dwellings to house the four hundred or so miners and their families who lived there permanently.

The purpose of this walk was to follow the remnants of the Battery Track, which is now overgrown and difficult in sections, to locate artifacts and relics from the gold mining period.  The walk was a very scenic one with the lush rainforest harbouring some beautiful tree ferns along the way, even a Pinkwood tree was spotted nestled amongst them.  It really was a surprise to see such a beautiful rainforest in stark contrast to other parts of the mountain which are quite dry.

We made our way to what is left of the manager’s residence, which was just some bricks, bottles and remnants of some type of cooking utensil.  We had lunch at that location and then followed our path back out onto the main track.  Once on the track everyone was appreciative of Mary collecting all of the leeches residing on Gulaga so that none of us located any on our bodies!  We made our way back to the cars and some of the group indulged in some retail therapy at the new nursery, having earned that right. Meanwhile the walk leader pondered over why no males had attended her walk.  Was it the degree of difficulty or something more sinister?  Perhaps we may find out in the Deua…….
