Gulaga Up and Over

Sunday 25 March 2018

Photos by Helen and Mary 

With a forecast of rain at 2pm and overcast skies, 10 walkers travelled to Tilba Tilba to walk part of Gulaga mountain (Mt Dromedary).

Reading up on the dreaming stories as outlined on the information board, apparently Gulaga was the mother of two sons, Baranguba (Montague Island) and the younger son, Najanuka (Little Dromedary). The story goes that Baranguba didn’t do what his mother told him, can’t be reunited with her and is separated by the sea, so she kept Najauka closer to herself when it was time for him to leave.

After a car shuffle we set off on the long climb to Gulaga’s saddle, thankful that there was no hot sun and that there were plenty of distractions from the steep gradient with filtered views of Wallaga lake, lush tree ferns, bird song and fungi. Several Geological survey plaques were also noted on the route.

Gulaga appears to have good tree coverage now, though mining history records how one side of the mountain was de-forested in the search for gold from 1860’s onwards.

After a break, we viewed the magnificent granite tors that are sacred to Aboriginal tradition. It was an impressive detour to a very special place.

But wait! There’s more!

Next, picking up a 4WD track, Rob led us to Narooma’s water supply dam complete with a huge slab of granite rock face and waterfall where we had a well earned rest and lunch.

Bang on cue, the rain arrived during the last leg of the 11km walk but it was not enough to dampen our enthusiasm for an excellent day out.


Morning Ramble – Guerrilla Bay

Sunday 25 March 2018

Photo by Ian

One can be lucky with the weather. Rain had preceded and was forecast to follow this easy morning walk, which was enjoyed by 12 walkers in good weather.

The Burrewarra peninsula at Guerilla Bay is rewarding for the views north, east and south and for it’s flaura and fauna. The group enjoyed a cliff top walk  to the lighthouse, followed by a ramble along the beach.

The sea was notably clear and the swimmers told us the temperature was great. Don’t we live in a great part of the world?




Pinkwood and Treefern Walk, Monga National Forest

Thursday 22 March 2018

Photo by Wendy

8 of us (6 members and 2 visitors) braved the rainy day on Thursday March 22 to travel up the mountain to do the walk in Monga National park led by Bob and Jan. We hoped the Pinkwood (also known as Plumwood) trees would be in flower.

The misty weather seemed to get worse as we travelled up the mountain but we persevered and were rewarded with the lush tree ferns on the drive into the park. Some even sighted lyre birds scuttling off the road in front of us.

We had our morning tea under the shelter in the Mongarlowe River picnic area. With umbrellas and raincoats in place we did the atmospheric boardwalk in Penance Grove and admired the mosses and tree ferns as well as the tall trees in this wonderful area.

The recent severe winds had taken their toll on the pinkwood blossoms and although most of the trees had dropped their petals making a very pretty path to walk on, we did see some trees still in flower..

We made our soggy way back to the picnic area and we all agreed that despite the rain we wanted a walk in the bush so we did the Waratah walk down to the Mongarlowe river.

Lunch was back at  Nelligen where some enjoyed their sandwiches and some purchased excellent fish and chips and hot coffee.

We all agreed that this is a really lovely walk and should be repeated in early March and ideally some drier weather!


18 Mile Peg Big Spotted Gum

Saturday 17 March 2018

Photos by Karen 

The walk to visit Corymbia Maculata ‘Old Blotchy’ by 15 bushwalkers led by Joan and Bob gave all a sense of surprise and a sight to marvel at such a gigantic tree, followed by a second part of the morning walk along a logging track from the past down to a crumbling log bridge across a trickling stream.  Lunch was a welcome stop at East Lynne Store where delicious pies were enjoyed at the picnic table area in the shade.



Lyons Creek Waterfall and Rainforest

14 March 2018

Photos by Philip

Four club members (Sharon, Rob, Phil, Ian) enjoyed this short, but challenging, walk. The weather was favourable – cloudy and mild – and there was good water in the creek and over the waterfall.

From a steep drop off Waterfall Road into upper Lyons Creek we were soon creeping along the steep sidewalls downstream to find the top of the falls. This was slow as we had to avoid deep pools and overhangs in solid rock (best swum on a hot day?!). We were able to find a steep mossy scramble on the eastern side among the rock lilys and other orchids and we were soon on the narrow platform overlooking the waterfall’s main drop. It was worth the effort.

Lyons Creek falls initially drops left into a pothole which empties down a very steeply inclined rock face for perhaps 25 metres. It then forms a large solid rock pool (a perfect swimming hole?) before cascading another 10 metres to the bottom which, one day, will demand some further exploration. The main drop makes an excellent abseiling wall – flat, unobstructed, and just off vertical.

Retreating, we explored the creek upstream. Initially, it has steeply inclined sides and some solid rock small cascades which require a few high detours. But after a few hundred metres it opens up to a broader valley with a gravelly stream bed. It is open rainforest all the way with cool temperate species such as Coachwood reaching sizeable proportions in the broader valley. The flat gravelly sections were a joy to walk.

Because of freshwater crayfish holes in the finer gravels we kept an eagle eye on the water pools but saw none of the small, blue crustaceans normally living there.

We lunched at a junction with good flat ground on all sides, suitable for camping, and then took the nearest branch to the car on Wallaby Road. Still in rainforest we left it only a hundred metres from the road.

Rob’s “very reliable” GPS route measured 8km walked, about half of that in the creek.

It’s a pretty area and reasonably accessible. We certainly enjoyed it. Hopefully, Phil’s photos will do it justice.

Ian Barnes


Pretty Beach To Durras Mountain Circuit

Sunday 11 March 2018

Photos by Rodney

On Sunday 11 March we woke to a magnificent day that inspired 10 walkers to show up for the above walk. We all squeezed into the two vehicles which had passes for the Murramarang National Park. We drove to Pretty Beach, which was 30 plus kms from Batemans Bay. When we got there we saw a lot of cars in the car park. Being a long weekend for the ACT one cannot blame them for wanting to spend their weekend in such a glorious location.

The walk was a circuit, starting with a bush track towards Mt Durras, which was absolutely enjoyable, the track was better than some of the footpaths around town. The bush was lovely and the elevation was gentle enough for all of us to do it comfortably and thanks to our leader we did not have to rush or exert ourselves. His ambition nicely matched our ability.

On the return leg of the walk, we reached the beach where we had frequent photo stops and enjoyed wonderful scenery. The rocks were a little bit of a challenge but we all managed to get over them safely and with not too much of an effort.

So the 10 fortunate people, who showed up, totally enjoyed the day. Thanks to Rodney, our leader we all loved the walk and all that it had to offer.


Batemans Bay Marina to Bridge

Thursday 8 March 2018

14 happy walkers had a pleasant walk along the river with coffee and yum yums afterward.

The weather was brilliant showcasing Batemans Bay waters and the surrounding foreshores looking their most spectacular.

A walk to be taken and enjoyed many times with fellow walkers and friends.





Cullendulla Crossing

Thursday 8 March 2018

Photos by Brian and Joan

On a classic Autumn morning, nine walkers set off from Maloney’s Beach for an 11 kms stroll back to the car park. Our route took us along both Maloney’s and Long Beach, where after morning tea we climbed a path which linked us into the circuit track around Square Head. Remarkably, despite being very close to town, there is some lovely forest here, as well as beautiful views, which constantly appear between the trees.

This walk requires the crossing of Cullendulla Creek and there was anticipation in the group, as well as some trepidation, about the practicalities of doing this.

The walk leader’s cryptic, non-committal answers did little to inspire confidence.

“One or two of you may get washed away by the current, but most should make it across,” he said.

On arrival at the designated crossing point, most fears were dispelled at the sight of smooth, clear water, with just a gentle incoming tide. With all gear packed away in plastic bags, we set off in single file and waded across without incident.

Indeed, the water was so inviting that once we reached the other bank everyone went straight back in for an extended swim. The river afforded a very pleasant, shady area to have lunch, before we set out on the final leg, around the boardwalk and back to town.


Exploring the Deua above Pinkwood Creek

Saturday 3 March 2018

Photos by leader Bob

Numerous times when passing the junction on our usual circuit of the Deua River & Pinkwood Creek, the allure and mystery beckoning from the upper Deua has created a desire to explore it.

Five daring souls set out to do that, by driving up Little Sugarloaf Road and turning into the Pinkwood Creek track behind Hanging Mountain. A short way along the track, we descended to Pinkwood Creek near the junction, then proceeded up the Deua.

We found the Pinkwoods in bloom, along with the magical environs of a mountain creek; dappled light falling on moss-covered rocks and gnarly old trees, orchids & ferns, all decorated with Pinkwood petals, & serenaded by urgently burbling cascades, dashing into their long journey to the sea.

After some time journeying through this wonderland, we stopped for lunch & a strategy meeting. Having some concerns for the various factors of fatigue & time, the leader examined our position and felt an orderly retreat was appropriate.

While crossing the stream to discuss the proposed escape route with his companions, he stumbled and dropped his GPS into the swiftly flowing stream. By going to the furthest likely point and working back upstream through the torrents, using hands and fingers like the bill of a platypus, he found a remarkable number of river pebbles about the size & shape of a GPS.

After removing many of these, he came up with the GPS, and felt considerable relief. New route agreed, we bush-bashed a bee-line back to our entry point on the Pinkwood. The climb out, with the afternoon sun on our backs, was enervating as we toiled up the slope, needing many rests & drink stops, until we reached the track, and the cars, with mixed feelings of exhaustion, elation & satisfaction.  All agreed that we deserved ablutions & celebrations.
