Kiama Weekend Camp
Friday 26 - Monday 29 March 2010
Led by: Ainslie and Mike
On Friday 26 March, 31 Batemans Bay Bushwalkers met at Kiama Harbour Cabins on Kiama's Blowhole Point, overlooking
the blowhole, lighthouse and harbour to hear what Camp Leaders Ainslie and Mike
had planned for them over the next 3 days.
Walks Day 1 Easy. 15 walkers drove from camp to do the easy Seven Mile Beach
walk. En route we made a detour up to Saddleback Mountain lookout - it was
a little misty but the views were great.
We then continued on our way to Beach Road picnic area and the start of our
walk, which consisted of a figure eight, the first half prior to
lunch, the second half after lunch. Both loops were through scrubland and
then back to the picnic area along beach where there was a lovely sea breeze,
which was much appreciated........Denise
John explains the comms towers to Helen, Ainslie & Judy
Photo by Claudia
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Barbara & Judy
Photo by Claudia
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Ann & Jan
Photo by Claudia
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Day 1 Medium. Mike, our leader, led us on a lovely scenic drive up
the winding Foxground Road to a grassy meadow, the start of the our Hoddle
Track Walk.
The track, heading east and steep in parts, led along the ridge to the top
of Saddleback Mountain with its crown of Communications Towers and great 360 degree
views, slightly obscured by the hazy atmosphere.
We stopped for morning tea and were diverted by two unexpected visitors. Not
goannas, lizards, snakes or dive bombing birds who grab food out of unsuspecting
hands, but two roosters, one with beautifully glistening rusty red plumage the
other plain white, out for a forage to see what scraps visitors had left behind.
We returned along the same track pausing to admire a bull and his harem
along the way, then continued west to walk towards the Barren Ground escarpment
up Noorinan Ridge. This track was much steeper, constantly heading upwards. A
section which seemed impassable with fallen trees deterred some of the group
who headed back for lunch, while a few scrambled onwards. The track cleared and
we found ourselves under the escarpment with towering rock formations reaching
upwards, twisting roots and vines, mosses and ferns. It was well worth the
scramble and the odd leech. We would have liked to go explore further, but
turned round to join the others for lunch and the trip back to camp.
A lovely dinner at the Brighton Hotel, completed the first full day of Mike
and Ainslie’s Kiama Camp........Karen C
Towers on Saddleback Mountain
Photo by Karen C
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Nature's art on the track
Photo by Karen C
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Mike & Bob below Illawarra Escarpment
Photo by Karen C
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Walk Day 2: Griffiths Trail and Cook’s Nose, Easy & Medium. Starting
off from the carpark in the Barren Grounds Nature Reserve, located on the
escarpment to the west of Kiama, nineteen Bay walkers set off on the Griffiths
Trail. First stop was the Illawarra Lookout with majestic views, on a fine
day, of the slopes to Kiama and the coast.
We then removed our backpacks for the long and exhausting walk to the
Saddle Back Trig Point. Our leader located the trig within 20 metres from the
set-off point. Much hilarity!
Back on track we met our second red belly black for the weekend and lunched
at Stone Bridge. After lunch, the group split into two. Group one walked back
to the car park and the remainder ventured a further 5 km to Cooks Nose. There
were spectacular views of the upper reaches of the Kangaroo Valley. A walk
back to the carpark completed the Griffiths Track not credited
Ready for the off
Photo not credited
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Mike at Stone Bridge lunch spot
Photo by Karen C
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View from Cook's Nose
Photo by Ann
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Walk Day 3: Kiama Coast Walk. The culmination of the very successful
Batemans Bay Bushwalkers Club 3 day camp at Kiama was the Kiama Coast walk on
29th March 2010. This walk followed 2 days of excellent bushwalking in the
beautiful Kiama area and was a fitting finale.
Recently another 6 kilometres was added to the Kiama coast walk, beginning
at Werri Lagoon and going north, the walk passes through open pasture country
with lovely ocean views most of the way, including very scenic headlands and
rock shelves. There are challenging hills along the way and the surroundings
are rich in history and geological interest. At one point there was a tiny
remnant of original rainforest which gave us a view back into the past with its
vast areas of warm temperate rainforests dominated by the glorious red cedar.
The remainder of the walk from Love’s Bay to the Blow Hole near Kiama
Harbour is mostly through built up areas, but still mainly follows the
coastline. Just north of Easts Beach there is a little blow hole which is more
likely to be spouting than the large blow hole near the lighthouse.
Despite walking in light rain for much of the walk, spirits were not
dampened and everyone was very grateful to Mike and Ainslie for organising not
only this walk, but the very enjoyable days at Kiama.......Barry
Marle looking the part
Photo by Ann
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Jill and John on the coast walk
Photo by Carol
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Coast walk on an overcast day
Photo by Ann
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