Thursday 25 August 2016
Photos by Karen M
13 bushwalkers scored a clear sunny day to explore this 10km walk in Bodalla State Forest, led by Rob. After crossing Lawlers Creek, we ascended virtually the only hill on the walk to the ridge. Then we strolled through groves of flowering wattle, encountering a few undulations, and passing an old Underground Tank used as a water source by the Rural Fire Service. This area is now recovering from being logged several years ago.
We then descended back to the creek gully, and enjoyed lunch seated on Wagonga Scenic Drive to try and escape the leeches – fortunately no traffic that day. The last leg of the walk was most enjoyable – wandering along the banks of Lawlers Creek on a slightly overgrown meandering track. The vegetation is lush, the eucalypts are towering, and there are occasional glimpses of surprisingly steep cliffs on the opposite bank.
Thank you to Rob for putting this walk back on our Program.
Karen M