Sunday 18 August 2024

Photos courtesy of KarenG, AmandaM, Ingrid, Gavin and Denise. Walk report courtesy of Walk Leaders Gavin and Denise.
Eighteen walkers headed off from the Sherringham Farm gate for this seven km medium walk on private property, (and thank you to the owners for their kind permission to do so.)
The windy uphill climb was consistent and broken by a few water stops, and the views behind us grew more spectacular with each step. Just before the final ascent to the summit we stopped for morning tea.
The final rock ledge was tricky but aided by a rope and with some guidance from those around us, everyone made it to the rocky summit. The views from the top were inspiring with Mother Guluga and older brother Barranguba in clear view.
We returned via a slightly different route and some inadvertently touched on a Prickly Ivy bush. Ouch. Having negotiated the loose rocks and cow pats, once back at the farm we jumped in the cars and drove to the Tilba Tilba Cemetery for lunch, and from where the views up and down the coast were fabulous.