Wednesday 2 October 2024

No warm-up before the STAIRS.

On track

Judges’ Beach

Lining up.

Enjoying the bush

Monster tree
Photos courtesy of Helen and Max. Walk report courtesy of Walk leader KarenM.
Our mid week walk was a 9km Easy/Medium stroll through the southern section of Murramarang National Park. We wove our way through shady forest, enjoying the flowering grass trees and filtered sunlight. The track passes 2 isolated coves, and several lookout points over the ocean with views back to Batemans Bay.
This area of the National Park is much easier to negotiate with the recent building of the Murramarang South Coast Track. The stairs leading straight up the cliff at Maloneys Beach make access to Acheron Ledge a breeze and there is now access through the old Judges property and across to North Head Beach.