Sunday 8 March 2020

Photos by Tom and Gay
Twelve members completed an easy/medium 10 km walk around Mossy Point and Broulee on Sunday. The walkers started at the boat ramp at Mossy Point and upon rounding the headland overlooking North Broulee beach were surprised by the amount of people down on the beach and the activity on the water.
The walkers managed to make it safely through Art on the Path without buying anything bulky that would need to be carried for the next 7 kms and then spent a leisurely morning tea at the lookout overlooking South Broulee while Gay, the Walk Leader, handed out chocolate treats in honour of International Women’s Day.
The group wandered around Shark Bay and back over to North Broulee to discover the reason for the extra activity on the beach was the annual Broulee Bay to Breakers Ocean Swim. The walkers were fortunate to be there for the start of one race and while the water looked inviting and with the sun shining, all agreed that walking was really their thing, and so decided to continue on walking back up the beach.
The leader led the walkers back to the boat ramp via a little known path completing the final leg along the banks of the Tomaga River. A very lovely few hours enjoyed in the seaside villages of Broulee and Mossy Point.