Thursday 20 February 2020

Photos provided by Philip, Bob and Tom
The First Walk of the New Year! Fourteen Club Members headed south to one of the most attractive stretches of the Southern NSW coast, just south of Narooma. After the bushfires, everyone was pleased to get into a coastal bush area where the fires had not impacted and where bushwalkers could get entry. The group was rewarded with a beautifully sunny day, the skies were clear and the local vegetation looked fresh after all the recent local rain. The walk, which was relatively easy and about 11 kms long, took in open coastal forest, some beach walking beside heavy surf, a bit of dune scrambling, some rocky promontories with splendid views up and down the coast and across to Montague Island, as well as lakeside walking around Nargal Lake. On the beach there were Pied Oystercatchers, and the occasional Sea Eagle flew overhead. Kangaroos and wallabies were surprised behind the dunes. Only one rather small red-bellied blacksnake was spotted beside the Lake. All in all, a superb return to our local bushland.