Sunday 21 July 2024

Photos courtesy of MaryT. Walk report courtesy of Walk Leader MaryT.
A beautiful sunny, if somewhat chilly morning heralded a pleasant day for a short walk into the forest to admire Old Blotchy, a huge Spotted Gum. This magnificent old tree, estimated to be over 500 years old with a DBH girth of nearly 3m (Diameter at Breast Height) still boasts a good crown. It stands in a pretty glen with other fairly tall trees, ferns, Cabbage Trees and a number of fallen logs quietly rotting under its shadow. Further up the hillside stands another tree nearly as large. This small section of forest survived the fires of 4 years ago. The tree looks healthy and should be there for many years to come.
Morning tea, provided by the leader, was taken on one of those large logs at the base of Old Blotchy. We tried to encircle the tree but fell short with 10 walkers!