Thursday 21 November 2024

Photos courtesy of Helen, KarenM, Philip, Erika and Max. Walk report courtesy of Walk Leader Peter.
It was a perfect Spring day for the last walk of 2024 for the Batemans Bay Bushwalkers. The walk was a 7.5km circuit, starting at Pedro Point in the Eurobodalla National Park, east of Moruya. It headed up along the beach for 2kms, before diverting onto a track following Congo Creek, and then through forest to end up back at the cars.
The rain overnight and initial cloudy sky was a bit daunting, but the sun broke through the clouds as the group assembled at Pedro Point. A welcoming sea breeze then eased the walking along the sand. And a short walk from the beach had us soon arriving at a shady clearing at a bend in the creek for morning tea. From there we followed a wide track making social chit chat easy, as it meandered through forests of Bangalay Gum, Blackbutt and Spotted Gum.
The walk was well patronized, with 28 walkers joining the leader. Perhaps it being a social walk with lunch afterwards at the Quantum Brewery, Moruya accounted for the enthusiasm. Nevertheless, it was great to see so many out walking.
The leader’s initial concern that the size of the group might make it a challenge to keep on schedule for the all-important lunch booking, was unfounded. It all ran as they say, ‘like a well-oiled machine’. Despite everyone having a good natter as they wandered along the track under the forest canopies, we finished the walk on time to be at the Brewery at 12:30 on the dot as planned. The lunch saw us enjoying a well-deserved drink, a bite to eat and having the further opportunity to catch up on news and gossip, with another six members joining at lunch.
All in all, it was a very pleasant bushwalk to end the 2024 season. Bring on 2025!