Sunday 2 April 2023

Photos courtesy of Philip and Erika
Starting at Pretty Beach carpark we walked up the Durras Mountain Track to the top of Durras Mountain. The first section of the track was fairly steep and badly eroded, but towards the top the grade reduced, and the condition of the track improved considerably.
On reaching the summit we stopped for morning tea at one of the weatherworn tables near the old homestead water tank. After a short break we followed the much narrower, and winding track down the mountain. The vegetation on this side of the mountain was thick and lush and encroaching on the track in some places.
At the bottom of the mountain track, we met the Murramarang South Coast Walk at Clear Point. There we stopped for lunch on a nearby rock shelf, with a picturesque view of the coastline to the north and a rainy outlook eastward over the ocean.
Following lunch we scrambled over the rocky shoreline for a while, then made our way back onto the Murramarang Walk. The track weaved its way around headlands and inlets, along beaches, over rock platforms and boardwalks, to finally reach Pretty Beach. At the end of Pretty Beach, we ascended the newly constructed sandstone steps, to a welcoming party of kangaroos, and returned to our start point at the carpark.