Saturday 30 April 2016
Photos by Bob T, Irene’s daughter and granddaughter
On 30 April, one of our venerable leaders took a group of enthusiastic walkers around the Moruya Heads area.
At only 87, Irene set a brisk pace, while showing us the bower of a male Satin Bower bird, then explained the odd aerial roots and seeding process of estuarine mangroves, took us past the remains of a coastal shipping wharf and dry dock, then up to the old Pilot Station where the weather man gave us fascinating information on the history of the estuary and shipping, then spoke in detail about weather records and his part in taking them. If that is a breathless sentence, then it reflects the pace she set.
On to the lookout on the headland where several graves of sea-lovers were laid many years ago. It would be nice to say they were undisturbed, but a few decades ago, drunken vandals smashed most of the headstones. But the view, as always, is glorious, to Broulee, Burrewarra Point and the Budawangs in the north, and to Bingie and Tuross Head in the south.
For a relatively short walk, it was packed with much of interest, and was enjoyed by all.
Bob T