Sunday 16 April 2023

Heather, Susan, Max, and Denise on the track

The group at morning tea

Max, Tony and Jim an shores of the inlet

Stopping to admire a healthy burrawang

Group at base of the ‘big’ fig tree (rain gear on)

A quick snap of the group
Photos courtesy of Mary and Max
Eight members joined leader, Mary to walk around the tracks of Wagonga Inlet just south of Narooma.
We took a chance on the rain holding off and it obliged, at least until rather aptly, we were on the track down to a small gully hiding a pocket of rainforest. This gully is a short diversion off the main track but is not to be bypassed. There, there is a grove of fig trees; one of immense size and age. Amongst their branches several bird nest ferns.
Morning tea was enjoyed by the shoreline of the inlet. And lunch was eaten in Narooma where some enjoyed fish and chips from the local outlet.
All in all, a good morning’s walk.