Sunday 18 September 2022

Photos courtesy of Gay and Mary
Eight Walkers donned their backpacks in the cool of the sunny spring morning and set off down the track at the end of Sea Acres Drive in Long Beach.
Following Kettle Road Fire Trail onto Carls Mountain Road was easy walking on well maintained dirt roads. Some old pink ribbon marked the turn off the road onto a well defined leaf littered track that meandered along a ridge then down to Wrights Creek through the Blue Gum Forest. Everyone was suitably impressed with the majestic trees and this pocket of forest and the walk back out gave us all a bit of a cardio workout.
After a spot of morning tea, we moved on along the roads and were surprised that for a Sunday we didn’t see any vehicles, motorbikes, push bikes or other walkers.
Part of the walk took us quite close to houses backing onto Kettle Road, but we quickly turned away from them and headed back north negotiating some very muddy sections, then onto the Salinga Fire Trail to finish our 10km circuit back at the vehicles.
All in all a very pleasant Sunday morning outing.