Wednesday 28 September 2016
Photos by Mike, Mary, Karen M
The object of Wednesday’s Batemans Bay Bushwalkers excursion was to locate a remote creek in the Currowan State Forest and see if we could find some flowering rock orchids. Our leader Betty had been there many times before and led us unerringly along an old fire trail, abruptly turning off into the bush after about 4km and heading down the hill to the creek.
And there were rock orchids, and they were flowering. Although many people grow these plants in their gardens, there’s nothing to beat enjoying them in their natural setting, clinging to mossy granite rocks often in secret, shady spots. The creek was also fun to explore, with a smooth continuous bed of granite plunging down the hill. After lunch by the water and among the orchids, Betty led us up the creek bed to a tributary, which we also explored before breaking out to rejoin the fire trail and our path back to the cars.
Along the way we found a circle of feral pig skulls at the base of a tree. Our identification was confirmed by the discovery of some tusks and incisors remaining in a couple of skulls.
Karen M