Thursday 2 March 2023

Photos courtesy of Mary, Peter, Tom and Gay
This 10 km circuit walk had to be cancelled last quarter due to Lake Tarourga being open to the sea rendering the ‘circuit’ description somewhat inappropriate. This time the Lake was easily crossed, and it was almost perfect walking conditions for the seven Batemans Bay Bushwalkers taking on the circuit.
The early morning humidity did however slow the walkers down a tad on those extra few hills in the forest section that their leader had forgotten about! But, in the main it was pleasant walking. Only the odd leech was experienced in the damper sections of the forest.
The group enjoyed a morning tea break after the last of the hills. From there it was a gentle stroll to the head of the Lake and around its shores to the beach.
A nice picnic spot for lunch was chosen on Jemisons Point with views up and down the coast, before the trail continued back to the cars.
Thanks to those that came along and supported the leader. It was a good morning’s walk.