Saturday 18 July 2020

Photos courtesy of Brian and Mary
A fresh, clear morning saw twelve walkers assemble at the riverside meeting place in Moruya. Boots were uncharacteristically clean and hiking clothes were a bit dusty from lack of use but eyes were bright with anticipation because this was to be the first club walk in several months.
After signing on (each with his/her own pen), Walk Leader Rodney adopted his most solemn tone and invoked the warnings of our political leaders in saying that there was to be “no mingling, no singing, no dancing and especially no whinging”. (We think the last one might have been Rodney’s own addition…)
After a 30 minute drive south, the walk was soon underway. We followed the track beside Potato Point Road for a short while before turning off onto a fire trail that led us deep into the forest. This was what most of us had been waiting for – tall timber, Burrawangs recovering quickly from the fires and the distinctive sounds and smells of the Bush. The leader’s promise of a few steepish hills proved to be true but any complaints were muttered under the breath (we had been warned) and morning tea was enough to keep the troops under control.
In what seemed no time we emerged from the shadow of the forest into the bright light of Brou Beach and an entirely different collection of sights, sounds and smells.
The easy beach walk north, accompanied by a thundering surf, took us to Jemisons Point, where luncheon was served and from where we enjoyed wonderful views of Gulaga, Montague Island and the completely empty beach stretching up to Kianga and Dalmeny. After lunch, it was a socially-distanced stroll back to the cars and walk’s end.
Our grateful thanks go to Rodney for his steady, good-humoured leading.