Thursday 11 May 2023

Photos supplied by Mary
A lovely sunny day enticed six members to join Geoff on his ‘The Other Durras Walk’.
Geoff took us away from the coast and through the back tracks of the town to the lake edge. Being a local resident, Geoff gave us a history lesson on early logging in the area.
I thought I had walked most of the tracks in that part of the Murramarang NP, but not so. I particularly enjoyed seeing the tall grassy area on the lake shore; an area I had only seen from my kayak on our many paddling days on Durras Lake. The Bangalay and Mahogany trees were beautiful as was the fungi.
Bruce showed us the difference between the two trees nuts. The club is fortunate to have many members with a variety of expertise on so many subjects.
Thank you, Geoff for putting this walk together and Bruce for sharing your botanical knowledge.