Micalong Creek, Wee Jasper Bush Camp
Thursday 29 April - Tuesday 4 May 2010
Led by: Len
Reports by Karen M & Nancy
Len's bush camp at Micalong Creek near Wee Jasper got underway from Thursday
29 April - Tuesday 4 May when 26 bushwalkers arrived at the campsite with our
tents, camper trailers and caravans. The campsite is idyllic, set on the banks
of the fast flowing Micalong Creek in a valley surrounded by rolling hills
and forest. The camp has been planted with exotic deciduous trees - plane,
claret ash, and birch - which were in full autumn colour. Anticipating the
chilly autumn evenings, many brought in a supply of firewood to feed our
camp fire each night.
The weather each day was bushwalking perfect - sunny, mild and windless,
and many enjoyed a cup of tea and breakfast in the warm morning sunshine before
setting off on walks.
Day 1: The medium/hard walk and medium walk were similar. Led by
Len, the medium walkers parked 2 km below the summit of Mt Wee Jasper, climbed
to the top, and then walked all the way down to the bottom of the mountain to
waiting shuffle cars.
The medium/hard walkers led by Betty, started at the bottom of the mountain
and climbed 6km to the top, had lunch and then retraced our steps back to
the cars at the bottom. This walk forms part of the Hume and Hovell Track
which runs 440 km from Yass to Albury and roughtly follows the footsteps of
those two explorers, Hamilton Hume and William Hovell.
Highlights were extensive views over the surrounding valleys,
forest and farmland, several different zones of vegetation as we ascended the
mountain, and a wonderful array of many coloured fungi, especially in the
abandoned pine plantation just below the summit.
Micalong Creek campsite
Photo by Karen M
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Autumn colours at Micalong Creek
Photo by Karen M
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Hi jinks on top of Mt Wee Jasper
Photo by Donna
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Donna descending through farmland near end of walk
Photo by Karen M
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Some of the curious fungi along the track to Mt Wee Jasper
Photos by Donna
Click on thumbnails to enlarge photos
Day 2: Len again led an easy/medium walk along an adjoining section
of the Hume and Hovell Track starting at the Fitzgerald Trackhead in Wee Jasper
and heading out through farmland and along creeks to a ridge where the going
started to get steep. There they stopped for lunch overlooking the valley
before returning along the same route.
Betty's medium walkers followed a longer section of the Hume and Hovell
Track from Wee Jasper to Fitzpatrick Trackhead. The walk started out with a
long climb up a moderately steep hill through eucalypts, grevilleas and the
odd grass tree. Once over the top the moss lined path led through rocky granite
outcrops and easier terrain to a ridge from where we could take advantage of
panoramic views of Wee Jasper and the valley below, and the Goodradigbee River
leading all the way back to Burrinjuck Dam. Looking back the other way we
could see Mount Wee Jasper and its pine forests which had been conquered the
previous day.
While on the ridge we also spotted some Hardenbergias and the native blue
star-flowered Isotoma axyllaris, normally seen in garden rockeries. Retracing
a short distance the group descended the hill down into the green valley
through which ran the Wee Jasper Creek. This section was lush with ferns and
mosses, framing the creek below. Another short trek through some interesting
rocky outcrops led us down to the Fitzpatrick Trackhead Reserve and a well
deserved lunch and the end of this lovely walk.
Photo by Donna
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Photo by Donna
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Perfect bushwalking weather
Photo by Donna
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Photo by Donna
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Day 3: Lay day. Len suggested a walk along Micalong Creek which ended
in a 30 minute climb up to a large rock perched high above the campsite.
Several of us decided to join him and found ourselves scrambling up a steep
trail and eventually arriving at a near vertical slope where ropes were slung up
the track. The ropes helped progress enormously and we were soon on top of a
couple of huge rocks overlooking our campsite way below.
As it was Betty's birthday, we sang a raucous refrain of Happy Birthday
over the valley. The view was fantastic and we enjoyed some time sitting in
the sunshine appreciating our surroundings before lowering ourselves back down
the ropes to the valley floor.
Others spent the day lazing in the sunshine, exploring the immediate
surrounds, having lunch at the pub, or driving to Tumut on the back roads.
In the afternoon a large group drove out to Carey's Cave we inspected at some
length, several
underground galleries festooned with stalactites and stalacmites, shawls,
columns, mysteries and calcified tree roots with a local guide.
Walkers on rock above campsite
Photo by Donna
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Photo by Bob
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Campsite far below
Photo by Karen M
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Photo by Karen M
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Day 4: Molly led easy walkers on a stroll from camp along
Micalong Creek and the Goodradigbee River. Betty led medium walkers on a
longer walk from camp which also followed the Goodradigee River and Micalong
Creek, but involved more hills, rockhopping and some blackberry bashing. Unfortunately the
creeks and rivers in the Wee Jasper area are infested with the dreaded
blackberry. However, Len and Betty had previously cut a way through the worst
of it, so we were able to enjoy the quiet serenity of the river without too
many scratches.
Bob, Ann, Karen & Ainslie
Photo by Karen M
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Betty by the Goodradigbee River
Photo by Karen M
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Ann and Nancy
Photo by Donna
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Lesley & Heather crossing Micalong Creek
Photo by Karen M
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Dinner on the last night was at the pub in Wee Jasper, a suitably rustic
setting to complete a thoroughly enjoyable camp in the great Australian outdoors.
Thank you to Len for leading the camp, and to Betty for her invaluable
assistance in leading walks every day. They both spent considerable time
exploring the area prior to our arrival and consequently did not put a foot wrong.
Karen with column in Careys Cave
Photo by Donna
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Mary and Bob enjoying dinner at Wee Jasper Pub
Photo by Lesley
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