Wilsons Promontary Camp

Sunday 15 - Saturday 21 April 2012
Led by Kay
Words by Helen, Joan, Ann & Len : Photos by Len, Kay, Donna, Helen
Day 1, Monday
Day 2, Tuesday
Day 3, Wednesday
Day 4, Thursday
Day 5, Friday
Wakeful in Wilsons Prom, Helen & Martin's Wombat Tale
Day 1 Monday, Medium/Hard Walk, Darby Saddle, Tongue Point, Darby River, Darby Beach
With the promise of a mainly downhill walk from the camp and only the smallest chance of rain, 13 walkers set off on the 9.4 km walk from Darby Saddle to Tongue Point, past Fairy Cove and ending up at Darby River. To make us feel more virtuous and to bolster our belief that this was a medium/hard walk, we also walked the 2.2 km to and from Darby Beach.
After the compulsory group photo at the sign post, we set off UPHILL! Fabulous views in clear sunshine encouraged us on, some red heath flowers were out and watching some birds helped us up the hills, but it was the granite rock formations and the turquoise sea that stole the show, they were stunning. Photos of various bushwalkers on various rocks at various lookouts are the proof.
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Group photo Click on thumbnail to enlarge photo |
Mike and Martin stone skimming Click on thumbnail to enlarge photo |
Darby Beach Click on thumbnail to enlarge photo |
Coming round a hill to the river valley revealed another aspect of Wilsons Prom, a deep dark river snaking in marshland and the recently mended Darby Bridge that was washed away in the April 2011 floods. Then the walk to the beach, the sand cliffs were impressive, a group of Pacific Gulls watched us, and Mike and Martin had a stone-skimming competition. The sea, though beautiful tempted no-one! An excellent introduction to Wilsons Prom....Helen
Day 1 Monday, Easy/Medium Walk, Darby Saddle to Tongue Point
The day started out to be very sunny and warm as 14 bushwalkers headed off to Darby River car park to commence our walk. We hadn’t gone very far when we came across a young wombat that had obviously had an altercation with a fellow beastie and come off second best, as he had numerous scars across his back and was trying to keep his strength up by non-stop eating of the vegetation, even when being patted and scratched, and having his photo taken.
We started up the hillside which turned out to be quite a steep boardwalk in the beginning, but gradually eased up to be an easier traverse up the side and then levelled out, but we did have to watch out as the path was quite gravelly and slippery in places. The views were magnificient with some rocks looking like prehistoric animals lying in wait for the unwary traveller. We passed a very pretty bay called Fairy Cove and then went on towards Tongue Point where we stopped for lunch. We returned the same way making good time arriving back at the cars about 1 o’clock. Thanks John for a wonderful walk.....Ann
Day 2 Tuesday, Len's Solo Lighthouse Walk
I set off early on Tuesday morning to walk the 24 km to the Lighthouse. I was pleased that the northern section of the Telegraph Track was closed to visitors because the alternative route via Oberon Bay was much more scenic and more interesting despite the extra 4 km distance. Helen and Martin accompanied me as far as the campsite at Oberon Bay, and I really appreciated their company.
The walk from there to Halfway Hut was fairly easy going, but the climb from there up to the top of Telegraph Saddle took some energy. After that the walk was relatively easy down to the Roaring Meg campsite. This is a lovely campsite for overnight campers with a really nice stream running past and some good flat clear spaces for pitching tents. From there on I had the choice of the walking track, which has not yet been restored after the devastating floods of March 2011, or the Telegraph Track. I chose the walking track which was much more scenic although somewhat hilly and also badly eroded in places. The last section was a good walking track down to close to the lighthouse, followed by a very steep 700 metre concrete driveway up to the lighthouse itself, which was a real effort after a 23 km walk with full pack.
The accommodation was in one of the five the lighthouse keepers cottages which were the old solid brick houses with high internal ceilings, beautifully restored and beautifully maintained, but with modern bathrooms and kitchen.
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Lorelle, Irene, Lesley, Susan, Donna Click on thumbnail to enlarge photo |
Norman Bay Click on thumbnail to enlarge photo |
Little Oberon Bay Click on thumbnail to enlarge photo |
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Lichen covered boulders Click on thumbnail to enlarge photo |
Soothing those tired feet Click on thumbnail to enlarge photo |
The track from Tidal River led uphill until we reached the southern end of Norman Bay. From here we followed the walking track around the headland, taking a short but steep climb down to Norman Point with great views of Norman and other outlying islands - a fabulous spot for morning tea
Continuing on round the headland we reached little Oberon Beach where the mountain side was scarred by a huge landslip, a casualty of the heavy deluge of rain in 2011. The mountainside was covered in huge boulders of varying shapes and sizes, some balanced precariously. Some of the walkers stayed here for lunch before making the return trip.
Eventually the remaining walkers reached Oberon Bay where all but four stopped for lunch. The four stalwarts walked south along the beach to the campsite where a table made of various lengths of driftwood provided a suitable spot for lunch.
On the return journey some groups walked back along Norman Beach, happy to soothe their tired feet in the sea. The whole walk offered spectacular panoramic views of pristine beaches, rocky outcrops and aqua seas.....Nice report, whoever you are
Day 3 Wednesday, Lay Day
In the absence of nearby shops, cafes or other trappings of civilisation, many spent the Lay Day walking various sections of the Coastal Track from Tidal River Campsite to Whisky Bay.
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En route to Whisky Bay Click on thumbnail to enlarge photo |
Rocky outcrops Click on thumbnail to enlarge photo |
Coastal views Click on thumbnail to enlarge photo |
Day 4 Thursday, Medium/Hard Walk, Vereker Lookout and Lower Barry Track
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Group photo Click on thumbnail to enlarge photo |
Jill and Lorelle at Vereker Lookout Click on thumbnail to enlarge photo |
Donna and Lesley at the Lookout Click on thumbnail to enlarge photo |
A merry group led by Ian set out on rising to the challenge of reaching the heights of Vereker Outlook and along the way were surprised by the large numbers of sculptural, burnt, but leafy banksias and grass trees growing in a strong landscape background of wonderful rocks of sometimes enormous size and shape.
The day was overcast and as we walked higher the clouds descended over us as we went further into the mist, which unfortunately deterred us from reaching the top of the Outlook where no outlook was visible. So morning tea was welcome before we made our way back down and then along the track to Millers Landing.
This part of the walk took us to the edge of the most southern growing
mangroves in the world where the marine park features included Posidonia
seagrass, one of the largest in the world so we were certainly in a very special area.
The walk today was certainly in a most unique section of the national park and
very much enjoyed by one and all with our thanks to Ian for leading us on our
Day 5 Friday, Easy & Medium Walks, Lilly Pilly Circuit
On an overcast but windless and non threatening morning, ten walkers took on the lovely 5.8 km circuit, rated moderate. The “easy” group took on the same walk in the opposite direction!! All found it well worth the effort as the good track wound through heathland and eucalyptus forest with a truly lovely boardwalk through a temperate rainforest included.
A wallaby was seen as were unusual fungi on several burnt out gums with
cavernous interiors. Park photographs by the track showed how well the area has
recovered from fire, but a gully on the flank of Mt Bishop showed the
devastation caused by flash flooding as the waters scarred and flattened all in
its path for some hundreds of metres.
Day 5 Friday, Hard Walk, Mt Bishop and Lilly Pilly Circuit