Billy’s Hut Short Circuit

Wednesday 4 May 2020

Photos by Max & Karen

Thirteen club members were on Pat’s Billy’s Hut walk held on a lovely sunny day.

The bush was very pretty in the sunlight, amongst the variety of bird calls.  The track has been quite eroded due to all the rain we’ve received, and combined with the post fire regrowth, it eventually required a bit of careful picking our way through the high regrowth down to the beautiful creek.

Once over the creek it was just a little more regrowth and then we were up beside Billy’s Hut.

The stone walls of the hut had been washed clean with all the rain and looked suitably interesting for a 140 year-old remote stone hut.  It conjured up many interesting theories of how Billy lived for so long on his own,  what he ate etc, and did he find any gold worth his while …….

After morning tea we moved on up towards the fire trail and road and back to our vehicles. On the last stretch back, we inspected a small copper-head snake that had unfortunately been run over.
